Yes. 99% of the posts are about the Eastern 2/3s of the State. Here are some WESTERN MT mule deer proposals…
Pick your species- easily 90%+ of the hunters will select WT.
Mandatory Reporting- They’ll know +/-10,000 how many deer are actually getting killed.
$5 Resident AND nonresident YOUTH WT doe tags. You can buy 5, over the counter, not some stupid $5 app fee with a mailed refund that is less $ than what a stamp is going to cost in a few years.
$20 Resident and hell, maybe $40, nonresident adult WT doe tags. Again, max of 5, OTC.
Up the Mtn lion quota for 5 years. Yes, Cody Carr will call the Governor because this alone will obviously bankrupt his entire business.
F-ck it, do away with orange. I never wear it anyways because… again, nobody actually hunts mule deer in W MT.
Have Hunting District boundaries and unit numbers that are consistent. Right now, 8 of us can be standing on the same ridge and be in 8 different units depending on what tag we have in our pocket (deer, Mtn goat, sheep, bear, moose, lion, grouse, big foot).
Did I mention mandatory reporting?
Do not change anything with W MT season dates.
Wait 5 years, look at your mandatory reporting data and actually survey. Adjust something after actual having some idea of what is going on in W MT.
Have 1 application period and 1 draw instead of 17 like we have currently.
Pass a bill that will prevent all of our f-cking politicians from passing bills about game management.
And last… mandatory reporting.