Montana Preference point question?

Aug 10, 2018
Oxford NC
I'm a non-resident elk hunter and I know I can elect to purchase or not purchase a preference point when I enter the Elk draw for a general Elk tag. I also know that NOT purchasing a preference point with your first application nets you zero preference points at time of draw. Also, having zero preference points likely gives you better odds to draw a tag than having one point would (correct me if I'm wrong). In the past, I always bought the point for what it's worth.
So, If I don't draw with zero points then can I still purchase a preference point that same year after the draw so I can go into the next year with a point?

Before posting this I just did a quick search and it appears that Montana offers preference point sales between July through December? So it looks like I could purchase a preference point after the draw?
Your thoughts please?
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I'm probably wrong here, but I believe you're not supposed to be able to buy a preference point later in the year if you put in for the draw. I say supposed, because it's Montana.
I'm a non-resident elk hunter and I know I can elect to purchase or not purchase a preference point when I enter the Elk draw for a general Elk tag. I also know that NOT purchasing a preference point with your first application nets you zero preference points at time of draw. Also, having zero preference points likely gives you better odds to draw a tag than having one point would (correct me if I'm wrong). In the past, I always bought the point for what it's worth.
So, If I don't draw with zero points then can I still purchase a preference point that same year after the draw so I can go into the next year with a point?

Before posting this I just did a quick search and it appears that Montana offers preference point sales between July through December? So it looks like I could purchase a preference point after the draw?
Your thoughts please?
Hey dude great question! I was in the same boat last year and it was hard for me to find this answer. My dad and I were sitting on zero points and REALLY wanted to hunt Montana that fall.

I listened to a podcast episode of Huntin Fool and did a little reading and it is correct now where a NR actually has a better chance at the Montana general tag with zero points than 1 point. This is because they allocate some tags to zero point holders to make it "fair" but over the last few years as demand has increased , the allotted tags for point holders run out before they even make it to the 1 point group.

That being said, we put in with zero points and did not draw (then of course my dad gave me a hard time lol) but we did the right thing in terms of odds of trying to go THAT year.

But like I had thought and to answer your question.. NO you cannot buy a point after the draw. You are correct they go on sale later but the option to buy a point will simply just not show up in your montana website dashboard since ur name was already in the application part of the game for that year. Hope this helps! Any questions, just PM me.
Forgot to mention , if u do decide to apply with zero points , make sure check the box to "not buy a point during the draw" when submitting ur app. If that box is checked, that means you will essentially go into the draw with 1 point.. meaning you will not get a tag based on how the draws been

Montana is one of those states where you gain a point going into the draw (versus Colorado for example where you go in with what u currently have ).
Hey dude great question! I was in the same boat last year and it was hard for me to find this answer. My dad and I were sitting on zero points and REALLY wanted to hunt Montana that fall.

I listened to a podcast episode of Huntin Fool and did a little reading and it is correct now where a NR actually has a better chance at the Montana general tag with zero points than 1 point. This is because they allocate some tags to zero point holders to make it "fair" but over the last few years as demand has increased , the allotted tags for point holders run out before they even make it to the 1 point group.

That being said, we put in with zero points and did not draw (then of course my dad gave me a hard time lol) but we did the right thing in terms of odds of trying to go THAT year.

But like I had thought and to answer your question.. NO you cannot buy a point after the draw. You are correct they go on sale later but the option to buy a point will simply just not show up in your montana website dashboard since ur name was already in the application part of the game for that year. Hope this helps! Any questions, just PM me.
Thanks Dude, LOL for answering that question for me. I thought that might be the case but was hoping I was wrong. That really sucks for you and your dad since you don't have any points not to carry over to next year. I believe in the recent past with 2 points the odds of drawing is around 80%. Myself and a friend drew last year with 2 points and I was hoping to go back again this year but obviously I'll have at best 1 point so odds are probably close to zero with one point. Odds would surely be better with zero points but then I could end up where you guys are if I don't buy a preference point. I might PM you with an alternate plan but it might be a bust too, not the good kind of bust either. LOL
Forgot to mention , if u do decide to apply with zero points , make sure check the box to "not buy a point during the draw" when submitting ur app. If that box is checked, that means you will essentially go into the draw with 1 point.. meaning you will not get a tag based on how the draws been

Montana is one of those states where you gain a point going into the draw (versus Colorado for example where you go in with what u currently have ).
Something about your statement is fighting my brain. You say:

"if u do decide to apply with zero points , make sure check the box to "not buy a point during the draw" when submitting ur app. " That part sounds correct but it's this part I'm struggling to compute:
" If that box is checked, that means you will essentially go into the draw with 1 point.. meaning you will not get a tag based on how the draws been"
Did you mean to say if you DON'T check that box you will go into the draw with 1 point?
Something about your statement is fighting my brain. You say:

To help clarify, Montana is unique in that it allows you to purchase and use a preference point at the time of application compared to most states. If you check the box to purchase a point it will be used for the draw, if you want to go into the draw with 0 points you must make sure you make the correct selection of not purchasing a point. Hope that helps.
To help clarify, Montana is unique in that it allows you to purchase and use a preference point at the time of application compared to most states. If you check the box to purchase a point it will be used for the draw, if you want to go into the draw with 0 points you must make sure you make the correct selection of not purchasing a point. Hope that helps.
Definitely, I totally agree with that statement.
I have hunted Montana twice and applied 3 times. This year will be my 4th application. The application process can feel complicated. But if a guy isn't is good with the general units and not looking for a special permit the process is pretty simple if one avoids the shiny buttons. LOL

I tell my friends to just select Elk Combo, Select Bow and arrow if going archery. Don't select to buy a permit.
I generally recommend buying a preference point unless you are feeling very lucky. If you don't buy the point and don't draw then you go into next year again with zero points and you're back where you started for the next year. So eat that 100 dollar bill and buy the point and do the same next year and you will likely draw with 2 points but not guaranteed. I buy me a few Super tags too though odds are probably 1 in ten million to win. Nice dream to have though.
Something about your statement is fighting my brain. You say:
Your welcome man! Yeah its tough now sitting here with zero but hindsight is 20/20 obviously. Wait yeah I could have stated that better. I think through the application there is a box already checked that says something like "Buy a point during this application". You want to UNCHECK that box as you continue the application process.

Ripip stated it best.

Mohanta fish and game has application process videos on their website for reference. They go through the entire thing and will mention this. Much better than I am explaining it lol. Thats where I first got this information
My Montana fall back has been to buy a Utah tag. They are available after the Montana draw is done.
They call it the "Any Bull" season. They offer 15K tags. You can choose archery or Any weapon but when I go Any weapon I prefer a Rifle, guess you could bring a spear but not sure?
You best be ready at 8 Am Mountain time the morning tags become available as it's pretty Chaotic and the tags generally sell out in a few hours. They also offer a spike tag hunt as well which is interesting only because they allow you to hunt in premium units, units bred for plentiful big bulls, you just can't shoot them.
The Archery hunt doesn't seem too crowded but for the Rifle hunt I think all the 15k hunters end up in the Uinta slopes, north and south and a couple of attached units so it can be crowded especially opening day.
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I’m trying to understand the process you guys described above but my head is spinning. Can someone layman’s terms it for me? I’m looking to go to Montana (on a general tag) either next year or 2026, more than likely it’ll be 2026. I have no points and have never applied. I was planning to buy a point or two but you guys make it sound so complicated. Someone dumb it down for me.

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If you go in 2025 buy a pp in 2024 then buy a pp when you purchase for the draw.

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I’m trying to understand the process you guys described above but my head is spinning. Can someone layman’s terms it for me? I’m looking to go to Montana (on a general tag) either next year or 2026, more than likely it’ll be 2026. I have no points and have never applied. I was planning to buy a point or two but you guys make it sound so complicated. Someone dumb it down for me.

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Pretty easy to understand and if you don’t you should just apply to a different state.
Pretty easy to understand and if you don’t you should just apply to a different state.
A handful of MT draw/points threads over the last few weeks. All containing numerous and contradictory explanations of how the draw process works. Seems it’s not as easy to understand as everybody thinks.
I’m trying to understand the process you guys described above but my head is spinning. Can someone layman’s terms it for me? I’m looking to go to Montana (on a general tag) either next year or 2026, more than likely it’ll be 2026. I have no points and have never applied. I was planning to buy a point or two but you guys make it sound so complicated. Someone dumb it down for me.

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I think I'm dumb enough to dumb it down.

Enter the draw this year and don't wait till the last day. If you just plan to hunt Elk purchase the Elk Combo, if Elk and deer purchase the Big Game Combo. If hunting Archery select Bow and arrow. Purchase the preference point for 100 dollars. Don't select Elk permit.

Either combo has all the tags you need and probably some you won't need so don't select other anything else. There is a 90 plus chance that you won't draw Montana this year but you will go into next year with a point. Do the exact same thing next year and again buy a preference point. This gives you 2 points for 2025. You probably will stand 80% chance of drawing in 2025. However, I have heard of a few not drawing with 2 points. So if you don't draw you should have a 100% chance to draw in 2026. If you get a general tag you can hunt any general season unit. However be aware each unit has it's own specific regulations so make sure you know what they are. You are not limited to any one unit nor to any one season, meaning you can hunt both archery and Rifle on the same tag but only one elk is allowed. Again don't select the Elk Permit as that is a separate hunt and don't buy any bonus points as they won't help you for the General season hunt they only help for the permit hunt.