Montana Muley

Check out areas around the CMR and the BLM directly West of there in the Breaks Area, Lots of country for a large group to disperse but still be hunting the same "area", also, don't overlook the BMA sections within that area and around Circle,MT. Lots of good deer country south of Glasgow, large areas and good deer.
10 guys? Wth If you are good you’ll take out all the bucks for miles. Not cool. Divide it up so you spread your pressure over a larger area.
Assuming you all drew General tags. Some areas south of Glasgow are permit areas. Also, some areas near there are CWD zones (or whatever they are calling them).

Definitely going to want to spread out, but that's a no brainier. I would spread out into completely different areas ( 5 or 10 plus miles apart) in your 4 trucks, not just a half mile apart, but completely different blocks of country.

Ten guys won't make a dent over all of Northeast MT, but 10 more guys piled into a section is too much.