Montana FWP and Mule deer


Mar 16, 2020
You're going to need to provide data for that last claim.

Point restrictions do not work, in fact, they shift the population of bucks the opposite direction as intended. CO, WY, WA state all have mountains of data for you to sift through, as does MT FWP.
Oregon has a good case study too on the utter failure of that rule. Steens unit.


Jan 28, 2015
Like I said controversial. But I also have a wildlife management degree from Montana State and studied under Dr. Mackie and masters in Range Wildlife under Dr. Wambolt. So yeah I know the skewed data all to well. Trust me allowing mule deer to mature increases overall population. Im not talking trophy potential which with mule deer is highly variable and complicated without even taking genetics into scope. So basically what your (studies) boils down to is political and social pressured skewed data. I could go on and on. But if you want to read real data go through Mackie's work with a fine tooth comb.
All you get with point restrictions is older, less total points deer. Yes, they do increase age class, but not size. You create a genetic bottleneck for males where the males with best genetics for antler size and points get cleaved off (shot) before they can reproduce much, and the vast majority of reproduction comes from males that are below the point threshold. You then push your population in that direction.

I'm also not convinced age class has anything to do with herd vitality, there is no good research on it and it's a hard thing to tease out without a good control and the confounding variables are dizzying. I'm also interested in how many males should be reaching "maturity" (4+) on the landscape, ie, the percentage removed by hunting that would not be removed by other sources of mortality (fighting, predation, winter, drought, etc.). Having a good sense of that would be primo info.

Kevin Bogert

May 24, 2021
I agree with the limited antlerless permits but there is just far Too many people killing the deer! everyone and their mother ruined region 7 over the years, and now they have moved to north eastern and north central and are killing everything that moves! It’s time to spread people out by starting with non residents and making them apply to hunt a hunting district and if they draw that district it’s the only place they can hunt! Pretty soon it will need to turn into everyone applying for for hds and only hunting where they applied. The over crowding in region 6 is atrocious anymore! Just my 2 cents. Good luck this season
“apply to hunt a hunting district and if they draw that district it’s the only place they can hunt”

Is this actually a problem? I understand the principle and actually agree, i think you should have to pick. But then i think about it and likely anyone who draws it goes to one general area and hunts there for 7-10 days.. do you think this would make a difference?

Not to derail the thread - but same idea they’re discussing with WY general elk.


Classified Approved
Apr 29, 2023
Like was said, most aren’t aware of hers numbers. It’s already hard to hunt out west.