I am a safety bureaucrat for a government agency, I have worked for a variety of agencies.
Whatever you do or don't do, most laws like this are written in blood.
Truckers have to take breaks during their driving and they are limited to so many hours a day of driving. I think it is 12 or 14. But I have not looked in a while. If a trucker has a prescription for a CPAP, then they have to use it. Written in blood.
Confined space entry program OSHA 1910.147 or maybe 146. Written in blood.
Here in Europe we own our hunting area. But for driven hunts it is a requirement. Why written in blood.
Seatbelts, motorcycle helmets, speed limits, drill press guards and gaps, get the idea? All written in blood.
Hunter orange is no different.
Ron Ketchum Natrona County Sheriff when I was a kid was shot through the shoulder on the National Elk Refuge while hunting in the 1980s. Wasn't wearing orange. He survived. Only to kill himself years later because of the famous Wyoming Lil' Miss abuduction murder case.