Money Spent?

Heck I just spent $312 for bighorn sheep tag. Prices just keep going up.

On a serious note, buying good gear can somewhat be justified by its very high resale value. Its my only hobby so spending stupid amounts on gas, or dogs, or ammo, or clothing really doesn't matter that much. Kids are grown and on their own. Just my wife and I so anything goes these days.
A lot. Just my fuel alone from two elk hunts starting aug 26 to today was $2300. But I drove from TN. 6k miles total back to the house. If you save a few hundred each month it helps reduce the blow. The tag in the spring can get bad if you do more than a few states. I do 9 states for most species, but it is the only way to have consistent quality public land draw tags. It really is getting to be an expensive hobby. Slightly negated when you bring home 250 lbs of elk meat, only cost $20 a pound to get it, lol.
You would be amazed how much money can be saved buying used or waiting for deals.

For example; in 2018 before my first western hunt I bought the following used but in nee condition.

Seek Unaweep 4800 - $225
REI Synthetic 15 deg bag - $80
Nemo Tensor pad - $64

Everything above is more then double what I paid for it brand new.

I've used a $12 Etekcity IsoButane stove from Amazon since then, going on its 5th season and I use it at work throughout the year.

I hunt in wrangler hiking pants and Eddie Bauer 50% off puffy and outer shell.

My bow is an essentially brand new 2014 Elite Energy, complete bow brand new strings $400 to my door this year.

None of this has to be as expensive as guys make it. My kit is probably good for 10 years and I could buy it all again and still not be all in for the price of Sitka and brand new bows.

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What outer shell are you using?
If you love hunting then do it, if you don’t… well choose something else. It can be had for little money or as much as you want to spend. Get after it and enjoy it
What outer shell are you using?
It's their heavier rain jacket believe it or not. It's like a parka but non insulated. It's great at blocking wind and isn't loud like a typical rain jacket. Has zip up slash pockets. Mine is green and blends in pretty good.

Pretty sure this is it although they don't have the green color in have mine in anymore. I know their puffy jackets come in a basic woodland camo now.

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More than the minimum necessary, but less than the most I could.

And not enough to tax the family budget.

I don't need or want to know a number.
Been doin it since 1988. I think I might be around 70k? That includes 3 horses for about ten years, trailer, packing tack, back packing gear, tents, bags, pads, trespass fees, paying outfitters for drop camps... I could go on forever. That’s just a guess though. Don’t actually want to know.
I’ve never considered to keep track. My wife and I have an agreement. I sell stuff to buy stuff. Oddly it’s helped keep cost some what down. I’m not allowed to have multiple hobbies. Not a bad trade. My wife says I could pay our mortgage for 10 years with my hunting stuff. I think that’s reall drastic. More like 5
I would never dare add it all up. I don't ever want to know lol.

But i've always been good about shopping sales and finding good used deals on things, has saved me probably as much as I've spent over the years. So I just focus on how much I've saved instead of how much I've spent ha.
One of my most expensive items is my dog. The unfortunate thing is my wife absolutely abhors him. I’m pretty sure that if he didn’t go every where with me that I would come home to find that she “rehomed” him.I’ve never added my stuff up, but I don’t buy nearly as much as I used to.
The amount of money spent on crappy gear that got little use is the worst. I have a couple tubs of shitty knives, crap scopes, binos, optics etc. money down the drain.
I have been purging (trying to give away) the crap lately jic I kick the bucket that my wife isn’t stuck with bIns of cheap junk nobody wants.
Not sure how much but a bunch. I inherited my dads wall tent but upgraded the stove this year and replaced all the guy lines. Had to buy cots, pads and sleeping bags for my wife and two kids. My wife has started hunting the last couple years so we've been outfitting her. New rifle, boots, pack, clothing, etc. Kids go antelope hunting with us so we're slowly getting them stuff. They don't have camo but good boots, there ski clothing and lots of Orange. It never ends but neither does groceries, bills, gas, etc.
Oh, I upgraded to a new MEAT grinder this year too.
I've been hunting big game since 1980, but never got anything mounted until 10 years ago. Now I've spent almost $10k just on taxidermy in the last 10 years. I'm willing to bet that I didn't spend $10k in the 30+ years before that on everything hunting related put together. Fuel would have to be the biggest expense because it adds up every single year. I've been using the same few pairs of $20 "clearance" camo pants and shirts for the past 15 years. But they're great, and I'm cheap that way. Same for brand new $310 clearance Zamberlan boots for $89 are on year 10 this year. I have as much fun "hunting" for the right deals on the right stuff as I do hunting for animals. It's the chase, and the satisfaction when you're successful.
Rifles, shotguns, pistols, bows, gun cases, knives, taxidermist, boots, clothes, packs, hats, gloves, trucks, tents, stoves, cook kits, multi tools, fishing rods, fly rods, lures, reloading presses, powder, bullets, primers, reloading tools, gun safes, shotgun shells, motels, groceries, airfare, guides....the list goes on and on. I have accumulated gear and memories over the last 50 years and have spent a small fortune on it.

I always bought what I needed and could afford, went when I had the money and time and was blessed to have a wife that let me do it and was still there when I got home. It's been a large part of my life and I have few regrets.
As long as you’re not going into debt to buy hunting stuff and your in a decent position financially (little to no consumer debt, putting 15% in retirement etc…) then don’t worry about it. Adding up how much you spent will Get scary, just get out there and have fun, fill the freezer and make some awesome memories
The amount of money spent on crappy gear that got little use is the worst. I have a couple tubs of shitty knives, crap scopes, binos, optics etc. money down the drain.
I have been purging (trying to give away) the crap lately jic I kick the bucket that my wife isn’t stuck with bIns of cheap junk nobody wants.
Melee toooo.🤣