Money or Happiness

You might benefit by identifying what brings you satisfaction.

And possibly by giving up the idea that "work" should give you any satisfaction at all.

But you can use work to fund the pursuits that bring you satisfaction - and that's damn satisfying.
You might benefit by identifying what brings you satisfaction.

And possibly by giving up the idea that "work" should give you any satisfaction at all.

But you can use work to fund the pursuits that bring you satisfaction - and that's damn satisfying.

Great answer👆🏼

I came from nothing- zilch. The fact that I have been very successful does give me a lot of options- I appreciate that though I still do live conservatively- its what happens when you have known poverty.

Don’t discount the fact; Money gives you options….and not having money limits your choices.

I am blessed to have both money and happiness. I enjoy my work ( self employed my whole life) so much its difficult to retire.

As long as I have flexibility to do what I want is the key for me. I know guys in law and finance that make a shit ton of money…but they don’t have the time to spend it. Sadly, all that money they made has dropped by 1/5th since 2020 Due to inflation…just having a pile of money with no strategy is a bit silly.
Funny this thread just came back to life... I've really enjoyed my career path for nearly 25 years, but where I work, and the industry really as a whole has changed, a lot. I've worked 100 hours of OT this year already, running on 1.5 hours of sleep in 2 days, which seems to becoming the new norm, with plans to get worse. I use to have money and happiness, now I only have one. My mind is starting to really wonder to what else is out there. Sorry for the rant, but money isn't everything for sure.
Listen to Dave Ramsey. Get yourself debit free… best thing I ever did for my family…once you get rid of your debit life gets substantially better!
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Take off as many days as possible and go enjoy yourself, I mean take off so much they eventually fire you if you want out, but milk the money out of it!
Listen to Dave Ramsey. Get yourself debit free… best thing I ever did for my family…once you get rid of your debit life gets substantially better!
This right here. I try telling friends this but they don’t want to hear it.

Just the other day I had a friend showing off his brand new snow machine and telling me how I need to upgrade my 2021 to a newer, faster model.

I told him that my favorite thing about mine is….that it’s actually mine. Then I went on a tirade about how borrowing money for stuff like boats and snow machines is stupid. I think I made him feel bad.

Honestly though, any time I go out to my shop and see my JetBlue and snow machine, snow blowers etc. it give me comfort knowing that I actually own them and don’t have debt.
I have been in the same industry going on 25 years. The second I took a management role, it instantly changed. My company has unbelievable benefits but can't tell you how much I absolutely loathe my job now.
I have 12-13 years left, so I grit my teeth.
A bit of a segue...but there is an excellent article in the WSJ on Morris Chang who at 55 started the most important company in the world today.

He said, I see these young folks today with a poor work ethic saying they want a 'Work life balance. When I started there was work...or you didn't have a life"

I can sympathize with this comment. I think the newer generations are blessed that they can even make that work life balance comment and have the choices that they have.
Just get on medication and focus on work. Being happy and pursuing your interests is over rated.

Kinda funny, kinda true.

No matter how you cut it, it’s not going to be easy. If you eventually want to not work, then you’re gonna have to work. But, those knees and hips just aren’t made to last, so probably better hunt while they do.

All this is to say, you can have your cake and eat it too, but you aren’t gonna be sleeping much.

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