Minnesota jumps on anti gun wagon


Jun 30, 2020
No real surprise because MN is as liberal as they come, but just another of many states joining the anti gun band wagon. One provision of the law is, Red flag laws, they are dangerous because all someone, say a neighbor who knows you own weapons and has a problem with you can call police and say you brandished a weapon on them and police may remove your weapons. Just to be clear, I have no problem with them taking weapons from someone who has a mental problem, or who has been deemed , by the courts, to be a danger to themself or others. Just another way for the left to some day push to repeal the 2nd amendment. And don't think for a minute that is not their ultimate goal, it is.
GSP- totally agree with your post. Also agree that MN is, by and large, very left. However, one clarification-- the Minneapolis/St. Paul metro area up through Duluth is the liberal (and by far most populated) area. The rest of us aren't batshit crazy libs, like the citiots down there. ...and, I know some darn level-headed, not-so-crazy-left folks who live in the cities too. Wish they would split the state at St. Cloud and section us off from all of the out of touch politicians who believe all we have up here are cows and rocks.
A few things need to happen to repeal, or abolish, the 2A:

1. Change the Constitution to a simple majority vote to change the Constitution.

2. A major shift in thinking for at least 3/4 of the voting public in each state to reach the thresholds defined innthe Constitution to change it.

3. Hold a Convention of the States. See #2.

Anything outside 1, 2, or 3 is outright treason and illegal, therefore, null and void.
Yep, 'Minnesota nice' is being duly rewarded by the insects they welcomed, and in some cases, elected.
'Tolerance' in action.

They deserve all of the pain they invited in. Wouldn't piss on Minnesota if she was burnin'.
The very least of the worries with the gun control bills being thought of in MN is Red Flag items. They are looking for registration and licensing along with required training and storage laws. Along with mag restrictions, AR bans. If the bill I saw being passed around passes (even half of it) it will launch MN above CA in terms of stupidity.
^ treason is being committed every day by elected/appointed persons here in the usa. add in govt agencies behaving in an illegal manner and it gets to be an hourly occurrence. under the right set of circumstance they can ban firearms pretty quickly.

Yes. They break the law daily which is why what they do is null and void, technically speaking. It's up to everyone else, though, to call them out on it. Problem is, nobody wants to be the lone ranger on it.

They can try and "ban" them all they want. Good luck with that...
GSP- totally agree with your post. Also agree that MN is, by and large, very left. However, one clarification-- the Minneapolis/St. Paul metro area up through Duluth is the liberal (and by far most populated) area. The rest of us aren't batshit crazy libs, like the citiots down there. ...and, I know some darn level-headed, not-so-crazy-left folks who live in the cities too. Wish they would split the state at St. Cloud and section us off from all of the out of touch politicians who believe all we have up here are cows and rocks.
Agrees, I'm originally from Wis. Madison has a massive liberal cloud hanging over it, makes it difficult just to drive through, as does Milwaukee. Get away from those cities and the people are more conservative and really great people.
A few things need to happen to repeal, or abolish, the 2A:

1. Change the Constitution to a simple majority vote to change the Constitution.

2. A major shift in thinking for at least 3/4 of the voting public in each state to reach the thresholds defined innthe Constitution to change it.

3. Hold a Convention of the States. See #2.

Anything outside 1, 2, or 3 is outright treason and illegal, therefore, null and void.
I believe it will not happen in my life time, but they won't stop until they at least give it a try.
Live in "outstate" minnesota with the "rocks and cows" ( our governor "Walzo" commented on rural minnesota) . Politically like alot of states metro areas run the show . Minneapolis/st paul/duluth north shore and a few other southern mn cities are blue , but county wide more red . Once again more laws aimed at burdening law abiding people . Lets enforce the ones we already have and stop being "pro criminal" and anti law enforcement . The thought process of the extent these people will do to protect criminals while harassing law abiding citizens is not logical . Red flag laws really push the boundry of what "due process" is . Where i live i think most will ignore further anti 2A infringments and carry on business as usual . Really can't imagine local law enforcement doing the door nock thing unless given a legit reason
Yes. They break the law daily which is why what they do is null and void, technically speaking. It's up to everyone else, though, to call them out on it. Problem is, nobody wants to be the lone ranger on it.

They can try and "ban" them all they want. Good luck with that...
historically state firearm/magazine bans have done pretty well. I am not for that but it is the reality. very few people today will risk their wealth for freedom the grooming of their children is being done and they allow that to go forward..firearms will be less important to them than their kids.
A good friend of mine from college and I went back to his home in the twin cities in the early 80's to kill some time. I met his 50's y/o dad who was a postman.

His father was a committed democrat who told me right to my face he'd vote for Satan if he were the democrat on the ballot. The hatred for common sense and decency can't be underestimated.
GSP- totally agree with your post. Also agree that MN is, by and large, very left. However, one clarification-- the Minneapolis/St. Paul metro area up through Duluth is the liberal (and by far most populated) area. The rest of us aren't batshit crazy libs, like the citiots down there. ...and, I know some darn level-headed, not-so-crazy-left folks who live in the cities too. Wish they would split the state at St. Cloud and section us off from all of the out of touch politicians who believe all we have up here are cows and rocks.
Try living in down state rural Illinois! - Chicago and the surrounding burbs dictate all of the states politics with its huge population. There have been some feeble attempts by some to try and make the southern 1/2 of Illinois a separate state.
historically state firearm/magazine bans have done pretty well. I am not for that but it is the reality. very few people today will risk their wealth for freedom the grooming of their children is being done and they allow that to go forward..firearms will be less important to them than their kids.
The apathy and lack of conviction of the majority of people today is pathetic. As long as they have their material things and their phones to distract them they just lifelessly roll through life with their eyes closed. I’m not sure many actually care anymore about what’s happening as they have a “who cares there’s nothing you can do” attitude. They are weak to the point they truly believe they can’t make a change in anything.

We live in a society that’s becoming devoid of strong men willing to preside, lead, or fight.
His father was a committed democrat who told me right to my face he'd vote for Satan if he were the democrat on the ballot. The hatred for common sense and decency can't be underestimated.
This is my father to a tee but in WI. Ex-union guy and democrat to his death. He does not believe there is any push to eliminate guns. With the SCOTUS decision today on Illinois, we are all screwed.
Try living in down state rural Illinois! - Chicago and the surrounding burbs dictate all of the states politics with its huge population. There have been some feeble attempts by some to try and make the southern 1/2 of Illinois a separate state.
I now life in So. Cal. LA and San Francisco/Bay Area are the reason for the ban on Mt. lion hunts, among other anti gun laws.
As i read replies there is a re-occurring theme cities/metro areas (majority) politically dominating rural (minority) in most states . Not sure how to solve that problem ? Talk all the time about portions of states succeeding . Not sure if it will ever happen. Thing to remember is constitution protects individual rights not majority mob rules
This is my father to a tee but in WI. Ex-union guy and democrat to his death. He does not believe there is any push to eliminate guns. With the SCOTUS decision today on Illinois, we are all screwed.
This not making a ruling on proposed law and passing them back to lower courts is the conservative leaning SCOTUS way of showing they are a bunch of pussies. They are passing it back to the courts which allowed the law to be enforced in the first place. Roberts and Kavanaugh are RINO's