Well, I guess it depends on what sort of midwestern hunting?
400 is theoretically possible, but it’s an exceptionally rare long shot for me. Around me (northeast, not midwest) shots are generally 200 and under, with probably 95% of those 100 and under. If that sounds like where you hunt then something like the trijicon accupoint 3-9 or perhaps a credo or huron would be perfect. That or an SHV 3-10. Something simple with a duplex reticle and without even the small liability of adjustable parallax or exposed turrets.
If 300-400 yards is truly a realistic possibility on any given day, then out of scopes that are realistically available I think this is a great use case for an S&B klassik 3-12. Weight is in your ballpark, reliability is good, P3 reticle is simple and pretty decent even for close range in the woods, but also decent for wind holds at any magnification. Turret will get you WELL past your 400 yards so practice at longer range than you hunt is easy.