Mexico 2021

Yep, Agua Prieta has a couple rough little spots but the rest of Sonora feels safer to me than much of the urban US. We’ve never had any issues crossing there, we’re just concerned with COVID that we may have some complications. I’ll be making my 3rd trip next year, already have it scheduled. One of the best hunts out there.

Anything different this year as far as protocols on either side of the fence?
Yep, Agua Prieta has a couple rough little spots but the rest of Sonora feels safer to me than much of the urban US. We’ve never had any issues crossing there, we’re just concerned with COVID that we may have some complications. I’ll be making my 3rd trip next year, already have it scheduled. One of the best hunts out there.

Anything different this year as far as protocols on either side of the fence?
No difference in protocols - signs everywhere on the US side that say "masks required" very few people wearing them, not checking rifles, not checking hides either. No thermometers or nose swabs or anything of the like.
The Mexico side, Border and Military both were no mask, very friendly.

Good luck on your next trip. Who are you going with?
What a great trip, congrats.

Congratulations that looks like great time, awesome deer!

awesome buck congrats

Thank you to each of you. It was a fantastic trip with great people and good deer were taken, even in a drought year. Biggers ones were missed and at least one broken off one was left for next year.

I love Mexico coues and mule deer hunting. If you ever get the chance to do it, you should. It's like hunting in the western US was when my grandfather (born in 1908) was a young man.