MeatEater and Weatherby?


Jan 13, 2019
Look, if the 2a is not particularly high on someone's list of priorities, just come on out and say it. I can respect that...I think it's misguided, but I can respect it. For the record, I'm certainly no fan of the Republican party, in fact, I find politics in general completely disgusting. I think it's sad that as a voter I have to choose between my love and support of public lands and my staunch support of the 2a simply because the broken two-party system in this country dictates it...but we all have our priorities.

What I can't respect, is people pissing on my head and then telling me that it's raining. Democrats are not pro 2a. When a democrat says they are pro 2a, it is typically followed by "I respect the rights of sportsmen to hunt...BUT...blah blah blah common sense gun control, blah blah blah". If that resonates with a guy fine, but I expect them to own it.
You and I seem to be in the same place with politics, just with different views. I support the second amendment, but yes, it's not my top priority and I certainly support it/view differently than some on both sides. Once again Rat, i genuinely appreciate this sort of discussion so thank you for going a constructive route.


Jul 20, 2018
You and I seem to be in the same place with politics, just with different views. I support the second amendment, but yes, it's not my top priority and I certainly support it/view differently than some on both sides. Once again Rat, i genuinely appreciate this sort of discussion so thank you for going a constructive route.

Sure thing. I respect that everyone has their priorities. It's a damn shame that we only get to choose between bad and worse in this country.


Mar 4, 2012
Delta Junction, AK
Democrats are not pro 2a. t.

Then how come the NRA has given a number of Democrats an "A" Rating? ....Begich, Manchin, Baucus, Heitkamp, Johnson, Warner, and Donelly are all Democrats who historically have carried an "A" Rating from the NRA, and that is a pretty strong litmus test for being Pro 2A that goes well beyond a photo op with a shotgun and an orange vest.


Jul 20, 2018
Then how come the NRA has given a number of Democrats an "A" Rating? ....Begich, Manchin, Baucus, Heitkamp, Johnson, Warner, and Donelly are all Democrats who historically have carried an "A" Rating from the NRA, and that is a pretty strong litmus test for being Pro 2A that goes well beyond a photo op with a shotgun and an orange vest.

Surprisingly, the NRA makes it difficult to find the current and past ratings. I'm not a member, so I'll just take your word for it.

With that said, let's see former Senators from AK, MT, ND, and SD. Largely rural states with a huge numbers of gun owners. Any politician wanting to get elected knows they will have to carry the gun owners vote. Not to mention they are all no longer in office and therefore irrelevant. The days of the blue-dog democrat are over.

That leaves:

Warner who is on record in 2018 saying that he is in favor of universal background checks, restrictions on regular capacity magazines and "assault weapons".

Manchin who currently has a D rating from the NRA.

Donnelly is all about expanding background checks, denying gun ownership without due process and favors some type of gun storage law.

I'm not convinced that any democrat politicians are pro 2a. Even the one's in solid rural states are likely to fold under party pressure with a slight breeze. But in fairness, republicans are no different with their sacred cows.


Mar 23, 2019
Seriously , every anti gun bill proposed is by a Democrat almost every Democrat in office votes for every anti gun bill hoe do those anti gun Democrats get into office ? Next thing you know someone will be saying just because you are a Democrat doesn't mean you are pro abortion . Elected officials represent the people who vote for them so if you helped put a pro abrtion official in you voted pro abortion if you helped put an anti gun person in then you supposed Antigua laws . Voting Democrat and claiming to be pro gun is like saying " yes I lured her into the basement and tied her up and left her with a pervert but I didn't rape her . You vote Democrat you vote anti second amendment ,it's as simple as that .
Democrat and anti-gun are not one and the same. I've never not voted democrat (though on specific issues I could not care less about party line but what I believe is right), do not support the NRA, and yet here I am, with guns,. My brother the same. My cousin the same. Uncle the same. Multiple friends the same.

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Mar 23, 2019
Seriously , every anti gun bill proposed is by a Democrat almost every Democrat in office votes for every anti gun bill, how do those anti gun Democrats get into office ? Next thing you know someone will be saying just because you are a Democrat doesn't mean you are pro abortion . Elected officials represent the people who vote for them so if you helped put a pro abortion official in you voted pro abortion if you helped put an anti gun person in then you supported Anti gun laws . Voting Democrat and claiming to be pro gun is like saying " yes I lured her into the basement and tied her up and left her with a pervert but I didn't rape her . If You vote Democrat you're voting anti second amendment and you are working to destroy the second amendment ,it's as simple as that .

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Oct 28, 2014
Seriously , every anti gun bill proposed is by a Democrat almost every Democrat in office votes for every anti gun bill hoe do those anti gun Democrats get into office ? Next thing you know someone will be saying just because you are a Democrat doesn't mean you are pro abortion . Elected officials represent the people who vote for them so if you helped put a pro abrtion official in you voted pro abortion if you helped put an anti gun person in then you supposed Antigua laws . Voting Democrat and claiming to be pro gun is like saying " yes I lured her into the basement and tied her up and left her with a pervert but I didn't rape her . You vote Democrat you vote anti second amendment ,it's as simple as that .

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Seriously, every shitty environmental, pro extraction, anti public land, anti public stream acess bill that hits the floor is sponsored by Republicans.
If you vote Republican your anti public land, against the environment and pro land transfer.

What a load of overly simplic crap. Turn everyone into single issue party monopolized hacks. Just what they want.
Last edited:


Mar 23, 2019
If I'm wrong please give the number of a anti gun bill not brought up and voted on by almost every Democrat . We can argue all day long about whether drilling in Alaska or cutting our own throat with the Paris bs while letting China keep polluting is smart or if we should build a pipe line or whether global warming is man made or just a natural phenomenon all day long and I'm sure we will get several opinions on here but very few on here will agree voting for Democrats who infringe on our second amendment rights is anything but voting to infringe on them yourself . Thank God enough people vote to preserve our rights and not just the way the union tells them they should or for " entitlements " or whatever would persuade someone to vote for socialism .
Seriously, every shitty environmental, pro extraction, anti public land, anti public stream acess bill that hits the floor is sponsored by Republicans.
If you vote Republican your anti public land, against the environment and pro land transfer.

What a load overly simplic crap. Turn everyone into single issue party monopolized hacks. Just what they want.

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May 27, 2017
Anyone remember the Mulford Act and who signed it into law?

Who said this? "no reason why on the street today a citizen should be carrying loaded weapons".

Hint...wasn't a "D"


Jan 13, 2019
Anyone remember the Mulford Act and who signed it into law?

Who said this? "no reason why on the street today a citizen should be carrying loaded weapons".

Hint...wasn't a "D"

Hey. No room for facts in here.


May 27, 2017
Anyone remember GW's position on resigning the AWB?

But White House officials said the assault-weapons ban was one case in which the president and the N.R.A. did not see eye to eye.

''There are times when we agree and there are times when we disagree,'' said Scott McClellan, a White House spokesman. ''The president makes decisions based on what he believes is the right policy for Americans.'' Mr. McClellan added that the ban was put in place as a way of deterring crime and that Mr. Bush ''felt it was reasonable.''

The White House position has heartened gun-control advocates. Matt Bennett, a spokesman for Americans for Gun Safety, which supports an extension of the weapons ban, said, ''I think Bush realizes that, number one, this is the right thing to do, number two, he promised to do this in the 2000 campaign, and number three, he knows that it's good politics and this is an extremely popular measure.''


May 27, 2017
Who was the President that signed the law allowing firearms in National parks?

Same President also signed a law reversing a law after 9/11 that disallowed Amtrak passengers to carry firearms in checked baggage.

Hint...wasn't an R.


Mar 23, 2019
You have to go all the way back to 1967 and California of all places to find an example of a Republican state gun law! By that premises you must be saying Democrats are for slavery because they voted that way before . How many of the people who were in Congress in 1967 are alive much less still in politics? For that matter how many people who voted for the politicians in office in 1967 are still alive and legally voting ? I am referring to the anti gun politicians who are in office now and who are attacking the second amendment now I am referring to the people who voted for the people who are attacking our second amendment and probably will continue to vote for the very people who want to destroy our second amendment . Changing the narrative is not going to change the fact that if a politician has a record of voting against gun owners and you vote for them then you vote against gun owners .
Anyone remember the Mulford Act and who signed it into law?

Who said this? "no reason why on the street today a citizen should be carrying loaded weapons".

Hint...wasn't a "D"

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Jul 20, 2018
You have to go all the way back to 1967 and California of all places to find an example of a Republican state gun law! By that premises you must be saying Democrats are for slavery because they voted that way before . How many of the people who were in Congress in 1967 are alive much less still in politics? For that matter how many people who voted for the politicians in office in 1967 are still alive and legally voting ? I am referring to the anti gun politicians who are in office now and who are attacking the second amendment now I am referring to the people who voted for the people who are attacking our second amendment and probably will continue to vote for the very people who want to destroy our second amendment . Changing the narrative is not going to change the fact that if a politician has a record of voting against gun owners and you vote for them then you vote against gun owners .

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Thanks, you saved me the key strokes. 1967 is...reaching.


Mar 23, 2019
You have to go all the way back to 1967 and California of all places to find an example of a Republican state gun law! By that premises you must be saying Democrats are for slavery because they voted that way before . How many of the people who were in Congress in 1967 are alive much less still in politics? For that matter how many people who voted for the politicians in office in 1967 are still alive and legally voting ? I am referring to the anti gun politicians who are in office now and who are attacking the second amendment now I am referring to the people who voted for the people who are attacking our second amendment and probably will continue to vote for the very people who want to destroy our second amendment . Changing the narrative is not going to change the fact that if a politician has a record of voting against gun owners and you vote for them then you vote against gun ownership . That doesn't mean vote straight Republican and call it a day ,it means vote for pro gun people and hold them to it . There are traitors on both sides but it's not hard to see which side votes the majority one way and which votes the other .

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Jan 1, 2015
I don't watch Meateater anymore. Dude lives in NYC. I don't like Salsa from there either. IMO the only Weatherby's worth owning are the ones made in Germany.

SW hunter

Apr 15, 2018
Surprisingly, the NRA makes it difficult to find the current and past ratings. I'm not a member, so I'll just take your word for it.

With that said, let's see former Senators from AK, MT, ND, and SD. Largely rural states with a huge numbers of gun owners. Any politician wanting to get elected knows they will have to carry the gun owners vote. Not to mention they are all no longer in office and therefore irrelevant. The days of the blue-dog democrat are over.

That leaves:

Warner who is on record in 2018 saying that he is in favor of universal background checks, restrictions on regular capacity magazines and "assault weapons".

Manchin who currently has a D rating from the NRA.

Donnelly is all about expanding background checks, denying gun ownership without due process and favors some type of gun storage law.

I'm not convinced that any democrat politicians are pro 2a. Even the one's in solid rural states are likely to fold under party pressure with a slight breeze. But in fairness, republicans are no different with their sacred cows.

It sounds like you're into this topic. I can appreciate when somebody is passionate or invested about a single political issue. Even if I dont agree with the other persons ideas if theyre passionate and involved with it god bless em. At least they're doing something not just complainin. I encourage anybody to keep your elected lawmakers office phone in your contacts and call and leave a message when something comes up. For real, call up, a polite intern will answer, tell them you would like to leave a message for X and you can politely give your opinion and how you would like that official to vote on an issue. Put those numbers on social media for your local friends to have too. Most people dont know who their representatives are, its not easy keeping up with who it is now and which district # you are. Takes time and it is confusing if youre not super into politics.

I dont give money to the NRA. Not a member. I would consider it for sure if some things changed. You mention you are not a member either. I’m curious why not. Is it monetary or you belong to another organization. Its not cheap to do it every year, I get that from friends. Others may give small amounts when possible like the Midway round-up when you checkout or donations at a gun store.
Aug 17, 2015
Go watch an episode from season 1 through 3 or 4. Then watch one on Netflix. If you dont see the difference you must not be watching.

Like I said, gucci lightweight gear is (SG, FL, etc) is better than carhartt and helly hanson. But not pimping gear was the refreshing part about meateater.

On the newer seasons he is obviously using nicer gear and those of us that recognize it see that, but I don't hear him ever mention a brand on the show. Of course there is a commercial or two during the show but there always was (Vortex and Federal come to mind). My step daughter watches the show religiously and I guarantee you she couldn't tell you what brand of gear, boots, tent, pack, sleeping bag, etc they use. If he's ever mentioned any of that stuff in an episode, I missed it and someone can correct me. And as someone else mentioned, they talk about products on the podcast a little when they have sponsors on, but I'd guess most people that listen to the podcast don't mind.

It's still very different from most hunting shows where the dialog goes more like "We're sitting here in our Redneck blind and have our Ozonics going; hoping a big buck comes out into this Whitetail Institute clover plot so we can lay the smack down on him with our new Thompson Center".


Mar 23, 2019
The law concerning federal parks made my point ,105 Democrats voted for 145 Democrats voted against only 2 turncoat Republicans voted no. That is 72 times as many Democrats voted against gun owners than did Republicans . Obama only signed it because it was attached to a credit card bill he really needed to go through and because the law could be overridden by the state the park was in .
Who was the President that signed the law allowing firearms in National parks?

Same President also signed a law reversing a law after 9/11 that disallowed Amtrak passengers to carry firearms in checked baggage.

Hint...wasn't an R.

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