MeatEater Suppressor Reviews


Oct 24, 2024
Been in the market for a hunting suppressor and been eying the Banish MeatEater suppressor from Silencer Central. Any reviews on this suppressor?
Been in the market for a hunting suppressor and been eying the Banish MeatEater suppressor from Silencer Central. Any reviews on this suppressor?
Just say no to Silencer Central. Plenty of threads on here about them. I've got 5 cans total from them (last one due to warranty). Silencer Shop is a much more streamlined process if you have a dealer with those kiosks locally.

The Meateater can is probably mostly a gimmick. I have the Backcountry and it's very meh. My cheap Otter Creek Labs Polonium can is much better.
Silencer central is a good place. (Most people on this site aren’t fans). They seem to have a bunch of stuff in stock. That being said. I bought my first few cans from them (banish 30 and 30 gold). Very expensive compared to other on the market. My brother has an Aero precision lahar 30l that is shorter then my 30 and 30 gold. Sounds better than the 30. He paid 599 from a local dealer plus the tax stamp. My banish stuff has all Been over 1000. My back country is decent but I bough an Ab- warthog(a-10). The BC was 1000 the warthog was 489. The warthog sounds way better.

I’m not saying you won’t be happy with your Silencer central stuff. Their cans score very well on both the sound summit and pew science. But I hate that I spent 1400 on one can when I could have bout two from silencershop with just as good suppression. Now it’s not apples to apples. All of my Ailencer central stuff is titanium. My other cans are all aluminum. So there is a weight penalty. But I’d take that for the cost.