McGuire ballistics review

Were the advertised BCs close?

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yes, was using 0.700 for the 160s and 0.800 for the 168's in my kestrel. Was spot on out passed 800, at 1040 was just 1/2 MOA off. My 28Nosler has a saami chamber and 26" barrel. I run the 160 at 0.020 off the lands, and the 168 being so long at 0.110 off the lands. The 270WSM is 0.200 off to fit in magazine.
Very little damage? It blew half of his lung off. Had it been 3-4,000 elevation it would’ve probably done even better. Sure was more than field tip damage that someone said it would be.

I’ve seen more dramatic blown off lungs from fixed blade broadhesds.
If you think that’s impressive terminal performance then you should stick to monos

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Very little damage? It blew half of his lung off. Had it been 3-4,000 elevation it would’ve probably done even better. Sure was more than field tip damage that someone said it would be.

What do you mean “it blew half his lung off”? I’m not nitpicking- I’m seeking objective factual information. The picture you showed in the OP has a 1’ish inch wide wound through an inelastic organ (heart). Most broadheads taking the same path would create as wide as a wound. The other pictures in the other thread are hard to know what going on because someone is pulling at the wound stretching it out.

Before you jump to a conclusion about what I am saying, please read these two threads in there entirety to gain an understanding of what I, and several others are getting at with regards to terminal ballistics-

I’ve seen more dramatic blown off lungs from fixed blade broadhesds.
If you think that’s impressive terminal performance then you should stick to monos

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And I’ve seen hornadys and Berger’s blow up on the hide and ones that completely pencil.
And I’ve seen hornadys and Berger’s blow up on the hide and ones that completely pencil.

Never has a bullet blown up on hide. But all bullets are prone to failure one way or another

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Please show pictures of a Hornady and Berger that blew up on the hide.

Wish I had pictures of that but I don’t and what I mean by that is the bullet hitting the hide blowing up underneath and nothing getting past the surface of the ribs into vitals. I believe that to be from too much velocity at close range. Also had one penetrate in the top of the back an inch before putting on the brakes. Also close shot. If I see that happen again I’ll be sure to post
What do you mean “it blew half his lung off”? I’m not nitpicking- I’m seeking objective factual information. The picture you showed in the OP has a 1’ish inch wide wound through an inelastic organ (heart). Most broadheads taking the same path would create as wide as a wound. The other pictures in the other thread are hard to know what going on because someone is pulling at the wound stretching it out.

Before you jump to a conclusion about what I am saying, please read these two threads in there entirety to gain an understanding of what I, and several others are getting at with regards to terminal ballistics-

Don’t you see a lot of lung missing?
Read those 2 threads and you’ll see that what you have is not a lot. That’s not a lot of damage

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You assume I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’ve used those bullets with success too and others I know. Lately haven’t been liking the results. Do you think the guy with the 128 is lying? Just curious
You assume I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’ve used those bullets with success too and others I know. Lately haven’t been liking the results. Do you think the guy with the 128 is lying? Just curious

What guy with the 128?

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Hope he was paid well for that and McGuire signed up as a sponsor.
Someone stating they verified by shot drops on a paid review doesn’t prove anything.

Why don’t one of you guys explain how he’s able to take a bullet with the same form factor of other verified projectiles and enhance their bc 150%?

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That wasn’t a paid review by any means at all- I haven’t been paid a cent from McGuire- I just put the work in and shot them and that’s the results, for 50 bucks you can find out yourself- I’ve shot bergers and eld’s for a long time- X’s and M’s… I shot them side by side with these with 2 very verified loads- I shoot 5-6 days a week and am constantly doing load development and trying new things. I didn’t have any expectations of anything going into it- but I tried them and they worked. Give credit where credit is due

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Wish I had pictures of that but I don’t and what I mean by that is the bullet hitting the hide blowing up underneath and nothing getting past the surface of the ribs into vitals. I believe that to be from too much velocity at close range. Also had one penetrate in the top of the back an inch before putting on the brakes. Also close shot. If I see that happen again I’ll be sure to post
Amazing how many people talk about the infamous bullet proof elk hide that blow up bullets, but nobody can ever provide pictures. I assume it’s happened, but I think it’s much less prevalent than the interweb would make you think.
That wasn’t a paid review by any means at all- I haven’t been paid a cent from McGuire- I just put the work in and shot them and that’s the results, for 50 bucks you can find out yourself- I’ve shot bergers and eld’s for a long time- X’s and M’s… I shot them side by side with these with 2 very verified loads- I shoot 5-6 days a week and am constantly doing load development and trying new things. I didn’t have any expectations of anything going into it- but I tried them and they worked. Give credit where credit is due

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You guys wrote identical reviews claiming that the bcs are verified to what he states from your shot drops. If you aren’t getting paid by McGuire your fools.

Other people on this forum, Ryan Avery for instance had to true the bc to lower than advertised and inline with other bullets in that class.

I’ll take his word and especially the crew he runs/shoots with all day over you 2 paid reviewers.

You could shoot 7 days a week 10 hours a day and it would make no difference.

Bc is relatively easy to calculate and confirm. As Form said above an oehler is about $3k. I’d bet a guy like Brian Litz would be happy to test some, if McGuire figured out how to increase bc by 50% over every other solid copper projectile I’m sure they’ll be a hit with the elr crowd.

You see this isn’t the first niche mono mfg to spew nonsense bc, verified by shot drops and supported by super fans. As general patton yelled into the African desert “I read your book”

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Just talked to my good buddy, that shoots a ton on ELR, said he trued the McGuire 7mm 168's at .715 G1 BC out to 1250 yards. They have an estimate of .750 G1 on the website. I definitely trust his word, because he has no reason to say otherwise. I also feel like .715 G1 seems more realistic (but still somewhat high) given their weight, shape and design. My 7mm 169 Hammers trued out to .462 G1 lol.
Just talked to my good buddy, that shoots a ton on ELR, said he trued the McGuire 7mm 168's at .715 G1 BC out to 1250 yards. They have an estimate of .750 G1 on the website. I definitely trust his word, because he has no reason to say otherwise. I also feel like .715 G1 seems more realistic (but still somewhat high) given their weight, shape and design. My 7mm 169 Hammers trued out to .462 G1 lol.
That’s still a DAMN good bc.

Hammers BC are a joke. It’s like they tried hard to have low BC.
That’s still a DAMN good bc.

Hammers BC are a joke. It’s like they tried hard to have low BC.
I have done some testing with my LabRadar a a couple (3) different hammers. All were lower than published. The driving force seems to be the hollow point. The large hollow points were around .1 lower than estimated, the small hollow point was .03 lower. To me that suggests the bc may be estimated on shape, not taking into account the hp. the tip geometry seems to be important to the bc. Note they are offering some with tips now.

I am guessing, but McGuire may be spinning the bullets. This would form a hollow and close the tip. This could bump the bc as there is no hollow point and the bullets can be made longer due to being hollow.
I have done some testing with my LabRadar a a couple (3) different hammers. All were lower than published. The driving force seems to be the hollow point. The large hollow points were around .1 lower than estimated, the small hollow point was .03 lower. To me that suggests the bc may be estimated on shape, not taking into account the hp. the tip geometry seems to be important to the bc. Note they are offering some with tips now.

I am guessing, but McGuire may be spinning the bullets. This would form a hollow and close the tip. This could bump the bc as there is no hollow point and the bullets can be made longer due to being hollow.
I don’t know. Hammer just outdid themselves with a polymer tipped bullet with LOWRER BC. 😂