What do you mean “it blew half his lung off”? I’m not nitpicking- I’m seeking objective factual information. The picture you showed in the OP has a 1’ish inch wide wound through an inelastic organ (heart). Most broadheads taking the same path would create as wide as a wound. The other pictures in the other thread are hard to know what going on because someone is pulling at the wound stretching it out.
Before you jump to a conclusion about what I am saying, please read these two threads in there entirety to gain an understanding of what I, and several others are getting at with regards to terminal ballistics-
My belief has always been that wind would cause more misses than any other factor, but I don't have the experience to state that definitively. Just too many variables with the wind. Learning to read it, especially over mixed terrain, would take a crapton of experience. Wind is by far the...
DON'T HAVE TIME TO READ 176 PAGES? HERE'S THE CHEAT SHEET. “Bullets matter more than headstamps.” “Spent primers offer the supreme tutorial”. I’ve read it here and elsewhere online. It got my attention. I started digging and asking questions and listened. The 77gr TMK delivered by a .223...