Matt Rinella for president

Two things can be true at once. You can promote hunting and conservation AND be selfish. The two are not mutually exclusive.
Agreed. I do still follow a handful of folks in the industry. You can bet all of them promote conservation as well as themselves. I've never said SM is a complete evil, just saying it brings out of a lot of yahoo's who no one should ever pay any attention to.
Although I don't disagree with you at all...

It's capitalism.

Would Sitka, First Lite, Tikka, Nightforce, etc be coming out with anything new if there wasn't money in it?

The reason we're not all hunting with our .30-30s in old jeans and Buffalo plaid shirts is the money in the industry.
Eh, not fully true. Things would still move forward because there will always be those who have a love for the craft, whether its building scope, rifles, clothing, etc... The craft however is overshadowed by the drive for profits and accelerates the process.
You will have to look elsewhere for those answers.
So get on social media, follow influencers, figure out which ones are d-bags and which products they push then ignore.

Seems like calling them out publicly is the world they chose to live in, being that they make a living off putting things out there.
I would call that “fair chase”
Seems like calling them out publicly is the world they chose to live in, being that they make a living off putting things out there.
I would call that “fair chase”
Can't call them out publicly on their own SM pages. They'll just delete the comment, block you, etc. Or in this latest episode, even threatenung to sue you for posting publicly avaliable information on your own page. Lol. Running out of places to call them out.
Narcissists and self-promoters are the absolute worst, generally people tend to despise that type of behavior.

Unfortunately those two traits can be found in most of the top people on social media, and the public facing side of the "hunting industry".

Everyone wants you to see them and buy their stuff, because it's the best and so are they.

It sucks and it is no fun to share a space with people like that.

Yes, hunting needs to be protected, but hunting has been around since the dawn of time and has never needed influencers to protect it, until weirdly enough around the same time the original hunting influencers came about...

I don't buy it.

And for the record, running up on these people at a trade show would make no difference. It's fun to say "say it to my face", but in reality any influencer you could name chose the internet to establish their presence and craft their narrative, they should be able to defend themselves on it too.
, even threatenung to sue you for posting publicly avaliable information on your own page. Lol
Yep we’ve already heard from a few lawyers on here too.

I won’t mention any names, but one of the biggest offending members repeatedly ask us to take his post down after he heard from the influencers lawyer. Funny how he had a change of heart when he wasn’t anonymous anymore.
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I only know of one what are the others?
Which ones?

BC griz hunt, Alberta spear hunting of bears, and the long list of Africa issues exporting to US. Africa doesn’t bother me because I’ll never have interest but that doesn’t mean I should care.

Mark my words there will be more in the near future. And I truly look forward to the day YouTube bans hunting videos and influencers have to go to a paywall format. Prior to SM you had to really look for and purchase content of dead and dying animals, now every cat lady can watch and fester in her apartment and write their local representatives to ban/cancel.
BC griz hunt, Alberta spear hunting of bears, and the long list of Africa issues exporting to US. Africa doesn’t bother me because I’ll never have interest but that doesn’t mean I should care.

Mark my words there will be more in the near future. And I truly look forward to the day YouTube bans hunting videos and influencers have to go to a paywall format. Prior to SM you had to really look for and purchase content of dead and dying animals, now every cat lady can watch and fester in her apartment and write their local representatives to ban/cancel.
You can add urban whitetail hunting to the "in danger" list. One channel has caused an explosion of interest and your average Joe blow really doesn't need to be arrowing deer 100 yards from people's houses.
News flash: CPW is giving my friend a season choice elk tag for the unit this occurred in for 2023.
That’s awesome. Change it to “any” unit and we’d all become PI’s in a heartbeat. Imagine how much money CPW would save when 50,000 rokslide members started hunting poachers for the chance at a free NW corner elk tag! 😂
Can't call them out publicly on their own SM pages. They'll just delete the comment, block you, etc. Or in this latest episode, even threatenung to sue you for posting publicly avaliable information on your own page. Lol. Running out of places to call them out.
Lol thanks for the heads up. Probably not worth the head ache. Just a shame you can’t call it what it is. …… that said Sue me and get what? they’d probably just win they crap they push back anyways. hahaha
That’s awesome. Change it to “any” unit and we’d all become PI’s in a heartbeat. Imagine how much money CPW would save when 50,000 rokslide members started hunting poachers for the chance at a free NW corner elk tag! 😂
Could just go run around with a mount-me hat in the unit of your choice and see if you can stumble onto a hot scene.
Even if we doubled the amount of hunters, we wouldn’t have a meaning or impactful voting block. But hunting would sure suck. Quality experiences are hard to come by as it is, I can only imagine how much worse it would be.
I think better still we court and retain the 80% of the population that doesn’t give a shit about hunting either way and most hold a positive opinion of it when it’s presented in a good light, for meat, family traditions, respect for the animal and it’s environment. Problem I see is all to often hunters are their worst enemy. Nothing will turn off the 80% then hunters acting like arrogant entitled slobs with out regard for anyone but themselves.
Quit following them, it really is that simple and your blood pressure will drop 15 points.

Most hunters don't know bowmar from butter let alone some midwest socker mom. What he and others do doesn't get anybody twisted except the hunters who follow them.
Would you say the same for bear hunting after the spearing incident?

The actions of people like him absolutely get other people twisted and those people are the ones responsible for locking hunting up. Spring bear in Colorado and brown bear in Canada ring a bell?
Would you say the same for bear hunting after the spearing incident?

The actions of people like him absolutely get other people twisted and those people are the ones responsible for locking hunting up. Spring bear in Colorado and brown bear in Canada ring a bell?
Spring bear in Colorado was banned in 1992 AL Gore had not even invented the internet yet. If I remember hearing it right wasn’t the president of the Colorado bow hunters association or something like that who was all for it.
to someone elses point, it’s just new people on new platform. Some will follow and some won’t. It’s the same with anything.

I don’t think all celebrities are bad or evil. I truly believe Dan Infalt is a great guy for example. And i think you can enjoy some of the celebrities and their content without being a product zombie. Another example, i really enjoy Steve Rinella’s writing, and the Stars in the sky netflix film I thought was excellent. But I don’t agree with everything he says and does, and I don’t care much for Firstlite gear. I also like Dudley but man he pushes some bizarre products, but I don’t think he’s a bad guy. Hunting Public are also decent, but I am not about saddles or think you must have Vortex.

My point I guess is, the guys I listed I believe are decent people sharing their love of the outdoors. Theyve gone out of their way to help us be better hunters and what not and so they push some products to make a living. I don’t think they would push products if there was another way to make a living while doing what they love. We all probably work for some company that sells bullshit most of the time. Mans gotta eat…

But we are smart enough to know that’s what they do and sometimes their stuff is great (nock 2 it release), and sometimes it’s not so great (hex suits).

don’t lose sleep over the Bernie Madoff’s of the hunting world (cough- bowmars - cough). Just know how to spot and ignore them and let other people find their way and offer a friendly hand or advice when they need it. There’s a Roden and Fields scam in every industry.
Spring bear in Colorado was banned in 1992 AL Gore had not even invented the internet yet. If I remember hearing it right wasn’t the president of the Colorado bow hunters association or something like that who was all for it.
So who do you think voted for it, the citizens of Kentucky?

The citizens of the State of Colorado, with a 70% yay vote did. All before modern media, which only further proves my point.

It baffles me to see people say that social media influencers' actions don't influence people.

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The good guys are putting back into the hunting community as much as they are taking out ($). Sometimes it obvious to weed out the selfish guys who only post about the products they’re being paid to use and only post about themselves. Vs. the people who will post a mix of informative videos and promote current conservation issues.

If you are just uploading 3x a week and pushing people to use your discount code and everything is “I” “Me”. You can **** off