Mathews Lift Limb issues?

The source of this problem is manufacturers having to come up with a new gimmick every year to sell some dudes a new $1400? bow.

Look, it’s new and improved! There one piece different. Also we split the limbs how revolutionary! The deadest in hand bow just got deader - those 180” mule deer that your arrow bounced off of last season won’t know what hit them WITH THIS YEARS NEW AND IMPROVED BOW!

For the record I like Mathews(I own a V3X), and I know every manufacturer does this. We’re at the limits of physics when it comes to stick and string. Instead of trying to reinvent the wheel every year, why not change to a 3 or 5 year cycle? It’s not going to get much(if any) faster, and it’s not gonna get much deader or quieter.
Instead of trying to reinvent the wheel every year, why not change to a 3 or 5 year cycle? It’s not going to get much(if any) faster, and it’s not gonna get much deader or quieter.
It's all about maximizing profit. Consumers are a fairly predictable group, and they know that many folks will always want new every year. If they fail to put out new stuff every year then they fall behind all the other companies that are putting out new "revolutionary" products.
I know 5miles is right but it would be nice if every 3-5 they came out with a new bow,then they could really refine the current bow and make it better every couple years then in a another couple years bring the new big gun and wow everyone at least then that high price tag would be a little easier to swallow. instead of the same bow with a different hole in the riser or a nub on the cam etc.. at least the Lift was a new bow not just the same bow with a face lift

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Has anyone had limb issues with only a 70lb draw? Or is it just 80lbs? Any idea if it was just a bad batch?
I know 5miles is right but it would be nice if every 3-5 they came out with a new bow,then they could really refine the current bow and make it better every couple years then in a another couple years bring the new big gun and wow everyone at least then that high price tag would be a little easier to swallow. instead of the same bow with a different hole in the riser or a nub on the cam etc.. at least the Lift was a new bow not just the same bow with a face lift

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That’s exactly what they’re doing today, they’re just calling it a new bow each year. Lift IMO is the new model (new riser/cams). Phase 4 was the last of the old model, and is just a V3X with the RPD limbs, and the V3X is just a V3 with bridge lock.
Warranty and good customer service doesn’t mean shit on a hu t unless they airlift you a brand new bow tuned to your specs.
20 years ago I was in Alaska on a silver salmon flyfishing trip. My brand new rod broke on the third fish of the first day. Lodge owner called Sage, and a brand new rod landed at the airstrip the next day. That’s customer service. Fixing a known issue after it fails is expected.
Mathews should replace EVERY limb set BEFORE it fails if they are serious. We shoot all year and train for a hunt. To suffer an avoidable failure which ruins the hunt is unacceptable.
For the record, I shoot a lift 33 @75lbs. Leaving next week fora 10 day elk hunt, but bringing my super reliable 2013 Prime Defy just in case.
Well I hear ya on that, would be terrible if it were to happen on a back country trip, but was reading the bow will still shoot for a bit.
I haven’t had the issue so I’m not sure how true that is.

On another note, it’s less than 1% of them even having the issue. I spoke to a couple local bow shops, of the near 1k lifts sold, there’s been 3 that have had the issue. Which they replace all 4 limbs and the issue doesn’t happen again, rather than replacing the single limb, then another limb failing.

Then speaking with Mathews, it was an early production batch that was having the issue.
Has anyone had limb issues with only a 70lb draw? Or is it just 80lbs? Any idea if it was just a bad batch?
I ran into a fellow at the Highlands Ranch range that had his Lift limbs break on his 65 lb bow.
Well this sucks. My last bow was a bowtech that blew up. Went with a new lift since everybody seems to like Mathews and I had never heard of any quality issues. Got an 80 pound 29 inch draw lift 33. We shall see I guess...

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I switched to Mathews Lift from Bowtech BTX, thinking if I was going to try a new brand I might as well try a Mathews since they haven't had limb issues for a while. Guess what, I had a splintered limb on my Lift and had them replaced under warranty. No hesitatation from shop or Mathews to get it fixed but it's unfortunate that I have to experience this with two brands.
Well I hear ya on that, would be terrible if it were to happen on a back country trip, but was reading the bow will still shoot for a bit.
I haven’t had the issue so I’m not sure how true that is.

On another note, it’s less than 1% of them even having the issue. I spoke to a couple local bow shops, of the near 1k lifts sold, there’s been 3 that have had the issue. Which they replace all 4 limbs and the issue doesn’t happen again, rather than replacing the single limb, then another limb failing.

Then speaking with Mathews, it was an early production batch that was having the issue.
I don't think I buy those numbers or timing. People are picking up new bows now and having limb splinters. I can't imagine all of them are from the first run of lifts.
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I’m just relaying what was told to me, I literally bought my lift 33 the first day it came out, and I’ve got over 3k arrows through it at 80lbs/ 28.5 DL and have yet to have that issue.

I’m curious to what is causing it myself though. Wondering if the cam placement has anything to do with it. I haven’t measured, but the limbs look a little shorter than the phase 4, and the flex on the limbs at full draw seem pretty steep
I’m just relaying what was told to me, I literally bought my lift 33 the first day it came out, and I’ve got over 3k arrows through it at 80lbs/ 28.5 DL and have yet to have that issue.

I’m curious to what is causing it myself though. Wondering if the cam placement has anything to do with it. I haven’t measured, but the limbs look a little shorter than the phase 4, and the flex on the limbs at full draw seem pretty steep
Without any knowledge, I think Mathews was trying to hit a speed and a more importantly a weight. A lot of folks going Carbon and Mathews has consistently been against it.

I believe they will get this figured out and we won't see the limb issue in this year's bow.
I just won a certificate for a new Lift. I will be doing a 29.5 in 70lb draw. Sounds like Mathews has officially acknowledged the limb issue and supposedly fixed the problem.

Being that this will be a new bow should I be worried about having any issues with the limbs? Seems like most the issues were with the 80lb bows so hoping going lighter will avoid issues. Anybody recently got a new Lift and had any limb issues?
The issues were supposed to be with the earlier released Lifts, I’ve got one from the first batch. Literally walked in and picked one of the last ones up from my local shop the day they came out.

I’ve been running 80 mods since the start of the year and I’ve been fine.
One thing is they are limb delimitation or splinters not the bow blowing up. I rolled the dice and took my lift on long trip with airlines and it went fine. My thought is worst case I’ll still use it on a trip if it started to splinter and just won’t shoot much. My guess is there are bad set of limbs and they don’t know which bows have them

Worked out ok


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Has anyone seen these limb issues on the Phase 4? I was so close to pulling trigger on one a while back, but I didn’t know how I felt about 8 Limbs connected with rubber…now this with Lift limbs.
Never seen this with a phase 4. They have a lifetime warranty and Mathews is pretty quick to make things right. Even with the limb issue I’m not leaving Mathews, but that’s just me.
Never seen this with a phase 4. They have a lifetime warranty and Mathews is pretty quick to make things right. Even with the limb issue I’m not leaving Mathews, but that’s just me.
No doubt, Mathews makes a fine product. My current V3 is a machine and the Phase 4 feels great in my hand…so there may be one with my name on it after all.
Never seen this with a phase 4. They have a lifetime warranty and Mathews is pretty quick to make things right. Even with the limb issue I’m not leaving Mathews, but that’s just me.
Phase 4 limbs are significantly thicker through the whole limb.