Masculinity and Caliber Choice

Clark’s quiche is legit, promise!

Make your own crust. Keep the spinach 😬

This recipe will offer a foundation from which to build.
Clark’s is the answer from those that I’ve served, but this is good too for those opposed to green veggies in their food.IMG_3424.jpeg
Have Jake and Ryan host at UM world headquarters, call it the Full-Assed Quiche Academy (FAQ-U) and give away half priced cerakote to all participants and a Rokstock to the winner.
Bonus points if you can tell a rambling story about all sorts of things but never actually say anything because why not that's why and anyway you young whippersnappers don't know what's good for you.
My favorite part about people thinking you need a magnum - some of these same people have 3-9x40 without turrets, never shot past 300, and shoot soft point lead bullets. But their 300 fudderby wallet eater magnum has advantages over a modern rifle, with modern ballistics, and modern bullets and theres no way 6.5 creedmoor can kill anything.
Honestly I feel bad for you guys that didn’t have the opportunity to grow up around competent role models. Your question makes it clear nobody in your life cared enough to help or teach you much. It must be hard not being able to tell if someone has their head straight or not.
Well my daddy's peepaw's uncle always told him not to trust ass shooters. Everyone in the large metro area I grew up in knows it. Had a little saying around those parts, "Texag10, don't you go wastin no more of your time on them internet trolls, ya hear?"

Go shoot some shotgun hulls with a .375 dude. It's easy to tell when people are FOS.
I don't care what other people shoot...although I may chuckle a little at the guys in Northern MN shooting 338 wins or 300RUMs when everything they shoot is 50yds...because "brush gun" ya know.

When it bothers me is when they have a new hunter or kid shooting those calibers because they don't know what they are actually talking about and think it is "needed" to kill deer. Then they tell those new shooters or kids anything less isn't good enough. I saw it a bunch in slug zones with 12 year olds shooting single shot or pump 12 gauges.
I don't care what other people shoot...although I may chuckle a little at the guys in Northern MN shooting 338 wins or 300RUMs when everything they shoot is 50yds...because "brush gun" ya know.

When it bothers me is when they have a new hunter or kid shooting those calibers because they don't know what they are actually talking about and think it is "needed" to kill deer. Then they tell those new shooters or kids anything less isn't good enough. I saw it a bunch in slug zones with 12 year olds shooting single shot or pump 12 gauges.
Waiting til someone is 12 yr old to hand them a 12 ga slug gun would have been merciful when I was growing up. Game management land was slug only. Kids I knew including myself got handed an old single shot 12 ga to deer hunt somewhere around age 5 to 8.
No rifling. If an adult could hit a pie plate at 50 yards, it was a "shooter". Kids would do good to hit the deer at 50 yards.
Daddy had us kids using "Baker style" one piece climbers by age 6.
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When it bothers me is when they have a new hunter or kid shooting those calibers because they don't know what they are actually talking about and think it is "needed" to kill deer. Then they tell those new shooters or kids anything less isn't good enough. I saw it a bunch in slug zones with 12 year olds shooting single shot or pump 12 gauges.
Yeah but if they do it generation after generation, then it is good and common sense and need not be questioned. (Tongue firmly planted in cheek.)
Given you think I hate large calibers: What cartridge have I killed the majority of my animals with?
Even if you said you had killed 100 elk with a 300 RUM, then switched to a 223 and shot another 100 elk and they died even quicker, it would be interesting, but doesn’t change my judgement on cartridge choice.

From the git go I said people should shoot whatever they want - from everything I’ve seen, read, heard and experienced I’ve formed my opinions, which make you guys flip out. If what you shoot works, good for you, but what I shoot also works, and has worked reliably for quite a while. I don’t see my choice as needing to be fixed with something different, it’s not broken, and yet for some reason that seems illogical to you. Lol
Even if you said you had killed 100 elk with a 300 RUM, then switched to a 223 and shot another 100 elk and they died even quicker, it would be interesting, but doesn’t change my judgement on cartridge choice.

From the git go I said people should shoot whatever they want - from everything I’ve seen, read, heard and experienced I’ve formed my opinions, which make you guys flip out. If what you shoot works, good for you, but what I shoot also works, and has worked reliably for quite a while. I don’t see my choice as needing to be fixed with something different, it’s not broken, and yet for some reason that seems illogical to you. Lol
Your choices are your own. Use whatever gun you want. People are responding to your posts to clarify that the information you are presenting as common knowledge does not survive actual testing. You are largely responding to that with gaslighting.
Your choices are your own. Use whatever gun you want. People are responding to your posts to clarify that the information you are presenting as common knowledge does not survive actual testing. You are largely responding to that with gaslighting.
“Gaslighting is an insidious form of manipulation and psychological control. Victims of gaslighting are deliberately and systematically fed false information that leads them to question what they know to be true, often about themselves. They may end up doubting their memory, their perception, and even their sanity. Over time, a gaslighter’s manipulations can grow more complex and potent, making it increasingly difficult for the victim to see the truth.”

Good Lord, are you guys really that fragile?
From the git go I said people should shoot whatever they want - from everything I’ve seen, read, heard and experienced I’ve formed my opinions, which make you guys flip out. If what you shoot works, good for you, but what I shoot also works, and has worked reliably for quite a while. I don’t see my choice as needing to be fixed with something different, it’s not broken, and yet for some reason that seems illogical to you. Lol
Respectfully, I don't think anyone questioned your cartridge choices, just your justifications for why you need what you need. You seem to be shifting goalposts and pretending the conversation is about what you shoot, while it's really about shots you propose should be taken, which (you claim) work better when taken with larger, magnum cartridges. A short review:

"I don’t see a lot of talk about less than ideal angles - as if deer and elk stand sideways looking pretty just waiting to be shot. In my world, both are quick to hightail it out of the country, over a saddle or over a ridge. I think it’s a good noble sign that small caliber folks claim to happily let an animal go that’s a hard quartering or going away shot. Lightly constructed bullets just aren’t cutout for this. It doesn’t seem like a minor compromise to let an animal go that would be easy to anchor with a larger tougher bullet.

There’s nothing wrong with broadside shots with lightly constructed bullets from small calibers and I wouldn’t hesitate to take a shot with 77 gr TMK, I’ll continue to loan out a 243, and will probably take something with the new 6BR barrel. However, when I’m spending years to find a big animal, the more angles I can shoot it from the better, and a heavy/fast controlled expansion bullet has been a reliable killer since the preteen days reading Mad Magazine at the grocery store. For 95% of all shots I expect the bullet to barely expends any energy on the pass through, because on that difficult going away 5% shot it needs all the penetration and horsepower it can get."

Short translation: "I like magnum rifles because if it's a big, trophy animal, I'll shoot it right in the ass, if that's all I've got, rather than let if go. I find magnum cartridges work better for this."

"Maybe I just need different friends to hunt with, but nobody I know is interested in slow poke cartridges because of what their experiences have been. When the deer are running over the ridge I’d love to have a buddy smack one with a Creedmoor - there’s nothing special about what would happen, but I’m always open to watching this Creedmoor magic."

Short translation: "If deer are running away, we shoot them in the ass. That little Creedmoor ain't gonna work as good as my 300WM to shoot deer in the ass"

"I must not be the right person to explain how people around me behave. For does, meat bucks or cows we shoot them with whatever and avoid hard angled shots, but when it comes to what might be a once in a lifetime animal it makes sense to us to use something with deeper penetration for those hard angled shots. A Creedmoor, 25-06, 270, or even a 243 are all popular meat hunting guns - we see what they do every year, year after year, family after family. There isn’t any mystery to it - it’s not some hidden secret."

Short translation: "If it's a meat animal, yes, we show restraint and take high percentage shots, but if it’s a trophy bull, we take any shot we have and use magnum rifle because we find they work more reliably with low percentage shots"

I think this is what the conversation is about. Essentially you've been arguing that smaller cartridges are fine for shots typically taken by hunters, but magnums are better when it comes to ass shooting animals. That's fine, and I doubt anyone seriously doubts your premise, just your use of that as a consideration, especially for a new hunter, to factor into their rifle selection.