Man kills mountain lion with a shovel in Colorado

Could you imagine with the adrenaline going, how hard he must have bashed that thing?
We had an event, long long ago, near Idaho City, in which a guy let his female mountain lion loose to get pregnant. It attacked a kid playing basketball with his dad and grandpa. It was dragging the kid away when gramps bashed it with the basketball, making the lion drop the kid and run off. And pops? He booked it into the house! Claimed he was calling the sheriff.....
Damn trophy hunters killing all those cuddly lions! It just wanted to play with his dog.
Upon arrival, the officer found a man with a dead lion on the hood of his Jeep in a campground
That's a hell of a scene.
Since the man was not touched by the lion nor sustained any injuries, this incident does not qualify as a mountain lion attack according to CPW.
If a cougar is close enough to hit with a shovel, I feel like that counts.
If a cougar is close enough to hit with a shovel, I feel like that counts.
Indeed. Perhaps "attack" has a fairly rigid definition but I'm wondering how G&F deals with pets. Would they be considered property? Seems a bit cold/callous to me to consider an attack on my dog the same as if the lion were chewing up a sleeping bag...

Hopefully there will be some "big picture" sensibility applied to the situation and the guy won't face legal troubles.
Not saying he's lying but it's hard to believe a single whack killed a 100lb lion.

I killed a feral tomcat with shovel (long story) and I had to beat the shit out of that thing to finally kill it.
Shovels don't have much mass and it's spread over a large surface area.

Edit: Read the story on another website and he too beat the shit out of the cat, several licks to take it down.
Not saying he's lying but it's hard to believe a single whack killed a 100lb lion.

I killed a feral tomcat with shovel (long story) and I had to beat the shit out of that thing to finally kill it.
Shovels don't have much mass and it's spread over a large surface area.

Edit: Read the story on another website and he too beat the shit out of the cat, several licks to take it down.

My mom and dad had a herdsman when I was about 6 years old hit a full grown Holstein cow on the back of the head with a crap scraper and kill it where it stood. They fired him on the spot, and a crap scraper isn't much different in weight to a spade shovel, and a Holstein cow weights around a half a ton, it most certainly could happen.
All these he-men bragging about killing a lion with a giant shovel amazes me.

Everyone knows all you need is a 77 gr TMK lashed to the end of a 1/4" willow branch to successfully (and ethically) kill a lion with one whack, no follow up whack will ever be needed.
If you’re trying to kill something with a shovel, don’t use the flat. Use the edge and swing it like an axe. It’s not as effective as an axe but I guarantee it’ll leave a mark. Also using the point and stabbing might hurt a bit too.