Made the mistake watching Ridge Reaper tonight.

Jul 13, 2013
Meat Eater is really quality every recipie I've tried to copy that he's done.
That Sasquatch show makes me laugh...season 3 and they still havent found him! Make you wonder......

William Hanson (live2hunt)

Super Moderator
Staff member
Nov 17, 2013
I watch no commercially produced shows. All the hunting stuff I watch is YouTube and vimeo, that way if it sucks I just move on to the next one. Some are really good.


Dec 27, 2013
Durango CO
I DVR Meateater and Solo Hunter and watch them both periodically. Sometimes I flip past the Outdoor and Sportsman's channel during commercials of football games. Most of the shows are so terrible in every way that its actually entertaining to watch in small doses. Its kind of like listening to small doses of modern Pop Country every now and then -just when you thought that it couldn't possibly get any worse, it does! I find such awful expressions of pop culture (or, in this case, mainstream hunting culture) to be mildly entertaining for 45 seconds at a time.

I'll add that, in many ways, the Nat Geo show "Life Below Zero" is a better hunting show than 99% of "hunting" shows. Not because of the production advantage of Nat Geo money, but because it is real people who use proper nouns ("Gun", "Optics", "Snowmobile" etc) instead of inserting brand names for every noun and they are doing real hunting.
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Apr 1, 2013
Made the mistake watching Ridge Reaper tonight. I caught the episode that they were driving around in truck hunting from an elevated platform on a ranch in Mexico. Some sport there. I have thought this show was a bunch of truck hunters before, but man this is just shameful. Last episode I watch. Only show I can stomach anymore is Western Hunter. So far that seems to be a class act. Meat Eater isn't too bad usually also.

Pretty much normal practice in Mexico, south and west tx. I guess the 20-30k hunters a year that hunt from hi racks are shameful?

I'll never understand why we as a hunting society go out of our way to ridicule our fellow hunters for doing stuff that's legal. I've hunted Mexico and STX all my life. Most of that country is impossible to hunt from a non elevated platform, much less stalk. Guessing taking high shoulder shots is also shameful, so you eliminate the tracking need in the brush country?

I like the show, they stick to their hit list and hunt hard. I was actually impressed by the Mexico show, fact that they stuck to their hit list and only took two mature deer off their 60kplus acre lease was being highly management minded. It took them almost 10 days to kill two mature deer with rifles. It only took three days for three people to take three antelope, two mule deer and elk off my ranch in Okla via archery this month.


Jul 17, 2012
Hilliard Florida
Pretty much normal practice in Mexico, south and west tx. I guess the 20-30k hunters a year that hunt from hi racks are shameful?

I'll never understand why we as a hunting society go out of our way to ridicule our fellow hunters for doing stuff that's legal. I've hunted Mexico and STX all my life. Most of that country is impossible to hunt from a non elevated platform, much less stalk. Guessing taking high shoulder shots is also shameful, so you eliminate the tracking need in the brush country?

I like the show, they stick to their hit list and hunt hard. I was actually impressed by the Mexico show, fact that they stuck to their hit list and only took two mature deer off their 60kplus acre lease was being highly management minded. It took them almost 10 days to kill two mature deer with rifles. It only took three days for three people to take three antelope, two mule deer and elk off my ranch in Okla via archery this month.

This ^^^ why do so many feel the need to condemn others who do not share the desire to hunt in the same manner as themselves ? Hunting is not a dick measuring contest. If you are not hunting for your own experience but rather to compare yourself and your methods to others then you need to see a psychiatrist about your deep seated feelings of inadequacy. JMO.
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