Made It, I'm Retired!

Time to learn to say, "No." If you have a truck and know how to use tools, they are coming for you and your time.
Congratulations! Been retired for 25 and lovin every minute of it. We travel....Alaska twice, Hawaii twice, Belize, Canada and almost all the lower 48. Moved to SW Colorado in 2000. Hunt & fish all over the western states.

Have fun , you only go around once, make the most of it.
I turned 65 today and am officially retiring as a Presbyterian minister ,but we run a kennel full time, so still working.
My wife is giving me a week long fly fishing trip with our kids in Belize! Life is good.
Congrats! I retired 5 years ago and it has been the best 5 years of my life.
When I was a youngster, I had time, fitness, but not much money.
Then mid-life, I had fitness, money, but not enough time.
With retirement I have fitness, money, and plenty of time.
Retirement is the transition point where you can choose to do what you like to do when you wish to do it. There are things you can do better than anyone else.

I liked my profession but reached a saturation point on the egos, politics and shitty management. I still like to work in my field but on my terms.
Enjoy it for me boys. Iā€™m 31 with a baby due in 8 weeks. Retirement looks a long way off from here!

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It goes faster than you can imagine. Enjoy the journey, especially with raising your kids. But I will say, retirement with money is fantastic.