I hate to see that other guys have similar issues but it also makes me feel better that I am not alone. It scares me that I have these issues at such a young age (31) and I wonder what I will be dealing with as I get older. Im not opposed to surgery if that is required, but obviously would like to find a natural remedy if possible. My chiropractor is also a physical therapist and he has given me a lot of stretches to loosen my hip flexors and hamstrings. He also said my ankles are tight and need stretching. Hopefully stretching will give some relief. Thanks for all the responses to my post
This sounds similar to the stretch band training i was doing while in college track and field. It was a very regimented system of stretches. http://www.flexbandonline.com/Getting-Started.htmlWhen your hip flexors, IT band and hamstrings are tight it can present as excruciating lower back pain that will wake you up from a dead sleep, or worse keep you up all night. This stretch changed my life. Get a jump rope, resistance band or even a length of paracord. Sit on the ground with your feet straight out in front of you. Loop the rope/band over one foot. Lay back, flat on the ground. Keeping your legs straight use the rope to pull your looped foot straight up over your head. When you get to the point where it starts to really pull your hamstring to the point of being uncomfortable don't bend your knee. Keep your leg straight and loosen the resistance just a bit. Hold it there for a count of 20. Using the rope/band for resistance, slowly allow your straight leg to fall to one side across your body. Your hips will need to roll to allow for this and if you're not limber your shoulder opposite your leg is going to come up off the ground a little. Add resistance by pulling on the rope/cord again until you really feel it in your hamstring. Hold for a count of 20. Lift your straight leg back up and allow it to fall to the other side, essentially "opening up" your hips. Add resistance and hold for 20. Repeat the whole process with your other leg. (Probably a youtube video for this somewhere.). My lower back pain was bad enough to keep me awake at night and I thought for certain I needed back surgery. After doing this religiously for a couple of weeks my back pain was gone. If I don't stretch it comes back but quickly retreats when I start the stretching again. I hope this works for you.
To add to what he's said here. Just be DAMN sure to NOT round your back! Very easy to do when we start pushing the limits. Like, my last time at bat on DeadLifts (which was just a lil bit before Covid hit me in 2020) I was feeling pretty good and pushed it up to like, I think it was around 600 or so? I had like 6 45's on each side. Maybe a 10 and a 5, and the Collar locks. That last one man... I ended up rounding a lil bit. Hurt that saccrum/lumbar junction quite a bit the next day. Probably should have been belted too. But was feeling strong since I'd been doing a lot of scouting and putting in a lot of time that year. So anyhoo learn from the mistakes of others and do like my brother here is suggesting and don't get caught up in that competitive spirit, shift gears mentally and think lighter weight used til failure instead. Less risky. Trust me.. you don't wanna live your life fearful of hopping down off a rock for the shock that it'd bring might hobble you for the day, requiring obscene amounts of NSAIDS.It may seem counterintuitive but the best exercise for lower back pain is doing deadlifts. Chiropractors and traction stretches will alleviate some issues temporarily. When my back pain returns is when I’ve been laying of the lifting. You don’t have to go for PRs or 1 rep max. A moderate weight with slow negative movements work best for me. Good luck with your recovery.
This is excellent advice. I lived with bulging discs that created the situation you have been dealing with, several times before one finally ruptured. And it was a big and incredibly painful and damaging rupture. Surgery was the only option. I've been better since, but four years later still don't have full feeling in my right shin and foot. That's how much nerve damage occurred from that one ruptured disc.The only thing I will add to the above is that you should probably have an MRI done. If it is a bulged disc, then increasing core strength and spinal decompression can help and even cure it.
If the disc is ruptured, there is no healing it. The only way to fix that is surgery. If it isn't too bad, then orthoscopic surgery can clean it up. I had that done in 2005 and was back at work in a week.
Unfortunately, for me, it didn't end there. I ended up having fusion surgery in late 2009. It was the best thing I have done. Lived with pain for years until I finally had it fixed. Now that being said, I did not have the rod and screw fix (posterior). I went with the anterior (through the stomach). It is a bit more invasive as they have to move your guts out of the way, but they don't have to cut any muscle (they go right between your ab muscles) and they don't have to work around your spinal column (which sits behind the disc). Just a small plastic disc that is screwed in with a bone graft. I was up and walking the evening of my surgery, out of the hospital in 3 days and back at work in 2 weeks (office duty only).
I know a lot of people will try to talk you out of surgery, but today's procedures are very good. Artificial disc replacement is something new now that may be an option as well.
My dad had a disc rupture on him while he was hunting back in 1990. He was working 2nd shift and had to call off work that night. The next day he goes to the doctor to get it checked out. He said all the way there he was having trouble with the clutch of his truck since he couldn't feel his left leg driving. So he's grinding gears or holding down the clutch too long getting there. The doc sends him to the hospital for emergency surgery after evaluating him.
He comes through surgery fine but tells the doc he could really use a beer. They actually get him a 6 pack of his favorite beer (Milwaukee's Best) and prescribe it to him. Apparently later on when he wanted one they told him that only 1 of the 6 were left. The night nurses had enjoyed most of his prescription. He saved the last as a momento. I took this pic last week when I went to visit.
If i get nothing else of his, I want this 32 year old can of beer. And yes, it is unopened!
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