I know that there is no absolute answer for this question, but some informed opinions would be appreciated. Due to cancer surgery on his neck and shoulder area several years ago, my buddy had to switch from being a righthand shooter, to being a lefthand shooter. It also required him to reduce his draw weight significantly. Not being a forum guy, he asked if I would pose the question. He would like to hunt elk with his bow. He will be shooting 48-50 pounds maximum weight, with an arrow of 425 total grains, and a fixed blade broadhead. He can shoot accurately and practices out to 60 yards. Based on best case scenario, a full broadside, non-alert, non-moving elk, and he makes a good shot, what would be a suggested, ethical maximum distance shot to be as certain as one can be to result in a clean kill with that arrow and poundage setup? He has been very successful killing whitetail deer at less than 40 yards, which is his self-imposed distance limit. Again, I know that the answer can be subjective, but he has never hunted elk with a bow and was hoping for opinions from those who have. Thank you in advance!!