Lost big bull, possible broadhead/equipment issue?

Black Hornets I would shoot if I was solely stuck on shooting Magnus.

Kind of off topic but I look at hunting like this. I spent roughly $650 on a non resident tag, roughly $300 in fuel, $250 in food, time in the gym, miles ran, ruck marches done in preparation for the hunt, time taken off for the hunt, time away from family, 1600 miles driven there and 1600 miles back, 60+ miles hiked on the mountain, etc. The last thing I want is a broadhead or arrow failure because I didn't purchase quality (within reason). Which is why I shoot a footed arrow, an arrow with thick walls, and a monolithic broadhead.

This is a really good point that I feel some people really miss. I know that everyone has a budget but it is amazing how much $$$ people will spend on stuff but then will have some cheap broadhead that doesn't fly well or fails to work properly.
I have had the same result on a deer shot with a Slicktrick Magnum from a treestand. High double lung and that whitetail ran over 3/4 of mile (from the tracking dogs gps). In all honesty, from the heads I have shot, I have came to the conclusion that how many blades doesn't matter.

The broadheads I seem to get great blood trails from are broadheads made from quality steel, with thick blades thst have a good rockwell hardness, whether two blade or multiple blades (RMS Cutthroat, VanDieam, Ironwills, Exodus, VPA two or three blade etc). Because as the blade is passing through the head stays extremely sharp. If a broadheads stays sharp going through the animal the less likelyhood the cut will clot and generally the faster that animals blood pressure will drop and then die.
I'll snap an up close photo of my broadhead afterwards. Still super sharp and doesnt seem to have any rolled edges with the naked eye.

It's a 125 kudu point.
Blows my mind. Guy is shooting a 400 gr arrow at 60 lbs with a 3 blade mechanical and didn’t get a pass thru. I’m shocked. Not really.
I know how long a bull can go on a “slight” quartering to shot. A really really long ways and this was after that bull literally spit up the deflated lung. Never seen blood like it. Bull eventually made it over 1200 yds before we could no longer follow.
These animals can withstand a lot!
Slightly quartering to is typically more than you realize.
One lung is not Typically enough with an elk.
Quit blaming equipment for poor placement.

My .02

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I was aware of Bishops, and IW but first I heard of Day 6 broadheads.

Really like the looks of that head.

Ever hear anyone say I got too much penetration? If you can’t get a pass through on ribs you need to rethink your setup.

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Ever hear anyone say I got too much penetration? If you can’t get a pass through on ribs you need to rethink your setup.

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I think range has alot to do with it?

The first BIG Moose I shot with a bow was 72# SQ2 @ 27 " draw....with a 380 gr arrow, G.T 55/75 with 5 " gateway feathers. Broad head was Wasp Hammer SST 125 gr.

Even though the bow was 72 # it was only producing 57 ft.lbs of K.E. and the light arrow didn't have alot of momentum.

It was a 40" Bull and shot was 10 yards.

Shot was complete passthrough and double lung.

After initially shot he did a 180 and stood still for 5 seconds....He ran went 75 yards before piling up. Blood trail was excellent and where he was standing there was huge pool of blood.

The shot was just above heart...and with 2 holes he bled awesome.

The broad head had 2 edges rolled pretty good...and 1 blade still sharp.

I always like the Wasp Hammer SST 125. It just seemed to be a streamlined ferrule, the chisel tip edges matched the blade edge.


I don't know enough about steel to say what's what. But it was still sharpish afterwards. They are really easy to sharpen.