Looks like I’m in for 2025

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Honestly, I think people up here are tired of hearing about meat getting stolen, but the other parts made it home. People contuining to talk about specific areas to hunt in alaska, or people who shoot animals and then donate the meat like it's some good deed (which i know you didn't do)

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Yeah…. It sucked having the meat stolen. I almost didn’t take the bear fence bc i was told it wasn’t necessary. But I did anyways just in case and glad I did. I can’t help that bears don’t like horns over meat.

I took pictures of the meat each day to verify that it was indeed bears. I have pictures of the bears. There was nothing I could do beyond what I did and I wasn’t putting meat inside the bear fence.

I think is people up there just don’t like people like myself from down here coming and hunting the state. I fly with a transporter. I don’t have a secret spot. I hunt public done here so I know what it’s like to get a spot burned. So I don’t speak about things I hear about up there the same way I don’t speak about spots down here. I may never hunt that spot I hear of but I also don’t want to screw over anyone else.

Anyways, it is what it is. I just think it’s bs that there are people on this thread that think they are holier than thou….

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You spent 3 days in Alaska, lost your meat to bears (which happens), talked in circles throughout this entire thread, called me a "DB", an "a-hole" and a "d'k", when your very first post asked for someone to give you a reason not to come back.

People that post on the internet and expect zero criticism for what they write truly baffle me.
You spent 3 days in Alaska, lost your meat to bears (which happens), talked in circles throughout this entire thread, called me a "DB", an "a-hole" and a "d'k", when your very first post asked for someone to give you a reason not to come back.

People that post on the internet and expect zero criticism for what they write truly baffle me.

First of all, the title of the thread was meant as a fun title. I’m booked to go back to Alaska a third time so I can kill a caribou since I was forced to pass the last time.

Secondly, go back and re-read the posts in order. Your first comment was sarcasm about bears being “scary”. Then you insult me for being in Alaska for “3 days” and losing meat to bears. I think you referred to it as “funny”.

You know, if it was truly about the horns and a hide, I had ample opportunity to kill a really nice caribou after my wife. It would have been real easy to have sat out there an extra two days and not had to worry about meat…. Instead, I ate a $5k hunt so I wouldn’t waste game bc I’m an ethical hunter.

And for the record, I’ve been to Alaska twice for over 20 days each trip. The second trip (this year) my pregnant wife and I floated a river in on moose hunt, just us two. I’m not a “weekend” warrior….

So, yeah, “3 days”…

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That was not a diatribe.

That was a simple explanation given as a response to your reply. It was not an attack. But big words are fun! (when used correctly)

But you really should go back and read your replies in order. Maybe do some self reflecting on how you unjustifiably berated someone for no reason and then were “baffled” that that same person would take offense.

And I’ll admit, I made a mistake. I should have simply ignored you all together. So my apologies to the rest of the members for being duped into an adolescence exchange.

At any rate, as much as I would enjoy continuing this saga, I actually have to help my wife finish cooking thanksgiving dinner for my family tomorrow morning. So I’ll choose sleep.

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I’m not sure if you are aware of this but the bear population has only increased since your last trip. If you’re scared of bears, stay home!

And let’s be honest, no one goes to Alaska to meat hunt. It’s horns, adventure, meat. In that order. It’s just a flex to tell your buddies you’re eating caribou. Which is bottom tier game meat imo.
That was not a diatribe.

That was a simple explanation given as a response to your reply. It was not an attack. But big words are fun! (when used correctly)

But you really should go back and read your replies in order. Maybe do some self reflecting on how you unjustifiably berated someone for no reason and then were “baffled” that that same person would take offense.

And I’ll admit, I made a mistake. I should have simply ignored you all together. So my apologies to the rest of the members for being duped into an adolescence exchange.

At any rate, as much as I would enjoy continuing this saga, I actually have to help my wife finish cooking thanksgiving dinner for my family tomorrow morning. So I’ll choose sleep.

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That hurt feeling you currently have is because the truth hurts.

You’re a liability out there AND you make poor decisions. It’s kinda scary you came up for a moose hunt. With you bailing on your caribou hunt on day 3 one can only assume you didn’t kill a moose? There is no fricking way you connected the dots to kill a moose.

You’re about to be a father. If you love your wife and kid please put some thought into these trips. AK is not for everyone, and not for you. You’re going to get hurt. If you choose to ignore my advice please at least consider one thing. Wear a helmet and a life jacket 24/7 when you are up here. I don’t care if it’s at Mooses tooth, you need both at all times. I am not trying to be mean nor am I joking. Both at all times. Some of the new life jackets look like normal rain gear. And the helmet will let people know to be more patient with you.

Happy Thanksgiving to your family btw.
On a more positive note: Thanks for the heads up about the situation up there. I am sure there are many of us who didn’t realize the bear situation was quite so bad. I sure didn’t. Ignore the morons who just want to burn everyone and everything that doesn’t fit their narrative. It’s a free country, ya know?
Wow. Lots of pissed on cornflakes today. Let’s not turn this into the 24hr Campfire.
Well. Maybe people should be more prepared or keep the meat closer to the tent or inside the bear fence instead of keeping the antlersclose by and the meat further away. Stashing the meat unprotected on the tundra is a sure way to have bears come in for a easy meal. Make it harder. I keep the meat inside the fence which I said, but if I was to worried for it to be inside the fence it would be right outside the fence with some stinky clothes on top of it or something that would make some noise so I would know if a bear is fing with my stuff.

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Good luck on your hunt. Go and have a great time. I'm going in 2026 and 2027.
If you had kept the meat at camp, they would call you dumb also.LOL. You cant win. Go kill a nice one and have fun. You can keep the meat or feed the bears, its up to you. Good luck and have fun.
A few observations:

Nick is a good hunter.....he puts a lot of effort into it and is very successful. Someday he'll be a good lake trout fisherman. :)

Bears don't always wait to raid your meat stash. I've had experience with bears approaching while I'm gutting. In one case, six of us were gutting a youth hunt caribou when a bear shows up amidst all of our talking and photo taking.

NRs should be careful about booking too far out for caribou as the herd dynamics are almost all on the decline. I would expect NRs to be excluded from hunting more herds in the very near future.

We all like to whine about the cost of flying-in for a hunt but I know some air service companies, often mentioned here, that have found more lucrative flying with much less hassle and expectations.

I know hunts seem to be expensive, but we hunters [R & NR] are a small fraction of the tourism that inundates Alaska every year. Much of Alaska is overwhelmed by visitors in the summer months and that is now spilling over into winter as they arrive to see the aurora borealis or to experience the ice caves under a glacier. These people spend $$$$$ and their numbers must be approaching two million.
A few observations:

Nick is a good hunter.....he puts a lot of effort into it and is very successful. Someday he'll be a good lake trout fisherman. :)

Bears don't always wait to raid your meat stash. I've had experience with bears approaching while I'm gutting. In one case, six of us were gutting a youth hunt caribou when a bear shows up amidst all of our talking and photo taking.

NRs should be careful about booking too far out for caribou as the herd dynamics are almost all on the decline. I would expect NRs to be excluded from hunting more herds in the very near future.

We all like to whine about the cost of flying-in for a hunt but I know some air service companies, often mentioned here, that have found more lucrative flying with much less hassle and expectations.

I know hunts seem to be expensive, but we hunters [R & NR] are a small fraction of the tourism that inundates Alaska every year. Much of Alaska is overwhelmed by visitors in the summer months and that is now spilling over into winter as they arrive to see the aurora borealis or to experience the ice caves under a glacier. These people spend $$$$$ and their numbers must be approaching two million.

I’m only going back for caribou bc of the declining numbers. I see the writing on the wall.

Bears are a real issue in areas. Especially with fresh carcasses on the ground upon arrival. Anyone going should plan accordingly. I will have two bear fences on my next trip or at least enough fence material to go around camp and an adjacent meat cache. Hopefully my experience can help educate others so they can avoid the same misfortune.

If anyone wants to put meat inside your fence with your camp, that’s up to them. I’ve seen videos of bear fences not working around caribou meat. And for the record, I’m not “afraid” of bears. They aren’t “scary”. The elements can change unexpectedly and without warning. You could be stuck for days due to weather. It’s not a place I would want to be without shelter for very long.

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That hurt feeling you currently have is because the truth hurts.

You’re a liability out there AND you make poor decisions. It’s kinda scary you came up for a moose hunt. With you bailing on your caribou hunt on day 3 one can only assume you didn’t kill a moose? There is no fricking way you connected the dots to kill a moose.

You’re about to be a father. If you love your wife and kid please put some thought into these trips. AK is not for everyone, and not for you. You’re going to get hurt. If you choose to ignore my advice please at least consider one thing. Wear a helmet and a life jacket 24/7 when you are up here. I don’t care if it’s at Mooses tooth, you need both at all times. I am not trying to be mean nor am I joking. Both at all times. Some of the new life jackets look like normal rain gear. And the helmet will let people know to be more patient with you.

Happy Thanksgiving to your family btw.


I will most certainly be ignoring any and all advice you have to offer.

As far as the moose hunt, no, we did not connect on a moose. But I did manage to call in two with one being 45 yards away and we were in and around moose for over half the trip. The one posted below is the bigger of the two bulls. I had 15 seconds to decide if he was legal. He did not have the legal amount of brows and he was too close to 50” to take a chance. I thought he was slightly under so we let him walk. Again, because I’m an ethical hunter. My pregnant wife and I did 40 miles in 10 days and had an absolute blast hunting and fishing down the river.

You can keep the life jacket and helmet. I don’t need them. My wife and I are doing just fine.



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I will most certainly be ignoring any and all advice you have to offer.

As far as the moose hunt, no, we did not connect on a moose. But I did manage to call in two with one being 45 yards away and we were in and around moose for over half the trip. The one posted below is the bigger of the two bulls. I had 15 seconds to decide if he was legal. He did not have the legal amount of brows and he was too close to 50” to take a chance. I thought he was slightly under so we let him walk. Again, because I’m an ethical hunter. My pregnant wife and I did 40 miles in 10 days and had an absolute blast hunting and fishing down the river.

You can keep the life jacket and helmet. I don’t need them. My wife and I are doing just fine.



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Not at all surprised you didn’t get a moose. That’s a 54ish wide bull, even though it’s a bad pic there’s signs he’s a legal bull.

I’m not sure if you’re proud of your comment of 40 miles in 10 days. Definitely don’t know how to hunt moose. I would tell you why but it’s obvious you’re not open to criticism or advice. Typical Texan in my experience.

I am concerned about you enough I will buy you a life jacket and helmet. PM with info and I’ll make sure you get one.

*edit* It took a min but I just connected the dots you are the same poster that almost killed your dad for lack of decision making on that rodent in the barn. Your history of poor decision making is obvious and scary. Put aside your feelings and see we care about you and your safety.
Not at all surprised you didn’t get a moose. That’s a 54ish wide bull, even though it’s a bad pic there’s signs he’s a legal bull.

I’m not sure if you’re proud of your comment of 40 miles in 10 days. Definitely don’t know how to hunt moose. I would tell you why but it’s obvious you’re not open to criticism or advice. Typical Texan in my experience.

I am concerned about you enough I will buy you a life jacket and helmet. PM with info and I’ll make sure you get one.

*edit* It took a min but I just connected the dots you are the same poster that almost killed your dad for lack of decision making on that rodent in the barn. Your history of poor decision making is obvious and scary. Put aside your feelings and see we care about you and your safety.


Pound sand and piss off.

How about that…

Mods can lock this thread. I out. Of all the amazing people I’ve met in two trips to Alaska, the biggest assholes from Alaska reside on this forum.

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