Looking to Move to Western NC or SW VA - Need Advice

I stick to Church Street unless I’m hitting a few stores on Main. I’m aware of what you’re talking about but it’s definitely hyperbole to say it’s turning into Asheville. Won’t be home for the Pride Parade so have fun. Again, unless you go to the Gem or the Hole you aren’t running into anything with any regularity like what you’d see in West Asheville. But I also really don’t care one way or another, I’ll hang out over there if there’s a spot I like such as Westville Pub. But until there’s a dang anarchist bookstore like over in West Asheville I don’t think Haywood is turning into Buncombe (but there’s also a reason I live on a mountain in Crabtree and not anywhere near any of the towns).
I grew up at the very end of Crabtree (rock house cove). I live on old balsam now. Wish I didn't. All the homeless and druggie are a pain in the ass. Had to call the cops last night because I watched two people shot up across from my house.
Have you considered Boone NC or Johnson City Tn? Good medical around Johnson City. I don't know about medical in Boone but it's a (smallish) college town and what I see driving through looks good. The left took over politics in Va after I moved here. I wish I had ended up in north east Tn for that reason.
I grew up at the very end of Crabtree (rock house cove). I live on old balsam now. Wish I didn't. All the homeless and druggie are a pain in the ass. Had to call the cops last night because I watched two people shot up across from my house.
That’s nuts on both counts, I’m past Rock House Cove on top of the mountain where the pavement ends. Was on Main Street last night and town was dead. Kinda nice not dealing with dodging tourists.