Looking for Tikka 243 8 twist pet loads

103 eldx are better than the 108 eldm in my tikka, 47.2 gr of h1000 seated out .02 from the lands has been .8 moa the last 3x out. thinking the velocity is 2940 if I recall.
Just a warning, H4350 will eat up barrel life. Slower, cooler burning powders will drastically improve the life of your .243s. My friend and I are well versed in the ways of the kung243foo.

What other powders besides H1000? What about H4831SC and Retumbo?
I think so I’m a general sense. It doesn’t account for group size/acceptable accuracy or bullet bearing surface though. Ryan has stated he went through several 300rum barrels with n570 and got 600-700rds awhile back. The calculator shows 630. I’ve tracked what comp guys are pulling barrels at in the past with specific loads ands it comes close.
Most guys pull 6creed barrels at 1500-2000rds the calculator shows 1730. I wouldn’t take it as exact but it’s a good tool to use for reference.