Another vote for Toyota - Hate to buy them ($$$) but love to sell them ($$$).
Bought this one a couple years ago and it was great until some lady decided she wanted to turn in front of on coming traffic....
2006 access cab w/ 6 speed manual. When they totaled this one out they paid me almost $7k more than I bought it for and I did not really think I got that great of a deal to begin with. Allowed me to buy my current truck with cash and upgrade the wife to her 4runner.

*Excuse the crappy topper - had to keep the dogs in somehow...
Now I have this one - much better than the newer ones in my opinion.
2000 extended cab with the supercharged 3.4 and a bunch of extras. Almost 200k miles and still runs great!!

I was trying to get my cabin ready for the fast approaching High Park fire - thanks god it never crossed Pingree Rd.
If you need a full size definitely go for the Tundra - a buddy had one that pulled a 7 horse trailer full over any pass at highway speeds without any problems. The mileage is no where near a diesel when towing but the tranny brake control is awesome on those.
This is what it looked like after we tried to barrel roll it in the middle of Kansas chasing whitetails last year...

And I was still able to drive it back to camp!!!
One more - I guided a 86 year old Korean war vet and his son in law on a antelope hunt this fall so I stole the wife's 4runner. Her only request was no stinking antelope in her car... I listened!
No matter what size or shape I would seriously recommend a Toyota - worth it in the long run!