Looking for a new vehicle

Another vote for the Taco.....put gas in and go. They never let you down and their small size is nice for navigating in the mountains.
I have owned a Dodge Cummins (one of my favorite trucks), a GMC Sierra and a couple of Toyota's (Tundra and FJ Curser). My 2002 Tundra has made 3 hunting trips to S. Dakota, a couple of trips to CO and too many trips to count throughout Oklahoma and TX and has been an excellent truck. If and when I replace it, it will be with another Toyota and likely with a Tacoma. A hunting buddy has one and it is a "hunting truck" that can go most anywhere I'd want to take it and some places I probably wouldn't try. Just my opinion but they have one of the better 4WD drivetrains. I just wish Toyota would come out with a diesel in their P/U line.

I'm leaning towards a 5.0L F150 or a Chevy. The Tundra is 3rd on the possibles right now. I don't know if I want to be a Guinea pig and buy in on one of the 8 speed auto trannys coming out. The ecoboost has a spotty report card from the people that I talk to, but I don't know too many of them to trust their opinions. I'm also hesitant to buy into one of the 3.31 rear ends that Ford seems to like to drop into the ecoboost. It will probably come down to price and what is on the lot the day I decide to buy.
For what its worth, I have been really happy with my 07 Tundra. No problems and has good power for not being a diesel. Don't think you could go wrong with the F150 either. Good luck with whatever you choose and if you have any questions let me know.
I wouldn't risk the 8 speed either. The f150 that my best friend has is the best new truck I have been in. The chevy I rode in this fall seemed big in the woods and the view over the hood was not that great. I'm a Ford man so I see them with a rose colored tint but they seem to be the best right now. I still recommend a nice vehicle for town and a small beater truck to hunt and fish out of. Good luck !
ecoboost f150;)
3.73 rear super crew 6.5 bed. fuel mileage of a tacoma, v8 power when you need it. i was always a toyota guy. i've owned a tacoma and a 4runner a they are awesome vehicles. the ecoboost 150 seems to be a do all for my needs. car seat/hunting crew room and nice bed space when needed.
The Eco-Boosts are pretty awesome. My stepdad has one and its been a damn good truck. You can get an F-150 with a 5.0 for a lot less though and it will get similar mileage. The F-150's are good trucks though.

I have had a number of Toyotas and am a Toyota loyalist. That being said my 07 Tundra was the worst truck I've ever owned. Just didn't live up to the hype and didn't have the quality I was accustomed to from Toyota. My early model Tundra was a great truck. If I were going to look for a Toyota I would look for an 05 or 06 crew cab. The 4.7 liter engine in those trucks is one of the best gas engines ever made IMO

Right now I have a 2011 4Runner Trail Edition with the KDSS suspension. It's an incredible vehicle!

2003 Dodge 3500 4x4 with the cummins. This is my favorite truck. The 03 and early 04's come from the factory with no catalytic converter and one less injection event than the newer trucks. My 03 has a 6 speed and is bulletproof

1993 Toyota pickup with the 22re engine. It's a regular cab short bed and will go anywhere! I'm 6'4" and 260lbs and fit and it's a fun little truck to drive
Another vote for Toyota - Hate to buy them ($$$) but love to sell them ($$$).
Bought this one a couple years ago and it was great until some lady decided she wanted to turn in front of on coming traffic....
2006 access cab w/ 6 speed manual. When they totaled this one out they paid me almost $7k more than I bought it for and I did not really think I got that great of a deal to begin with. Allowed me to buy my current truck with cash and upgrade the wife to her 4runner.
*Excuse the crappy topper - had to keep the dogs in somehow...

Now I have this one - much better than the newer ones in my opinion.
2000 extended cab with the supercharged 3.4 and a bunch of extras. Almost 200k miles and still runs great!!
I was trying to get my cabin ready for the fast approaching High Park fire - thanks god it never crossed Pingree Rd.

If you need a full size definitely go for the Tundra - a buddy had one that pulled a 7 horse trailer full over any pass at highway speeds without any problems. The mileage is no where near a diesel when towing but the tranny brake control is awesome on those.
This is what it looked like after we tried to barrel roll it in the middle of Kansas chasing whitetails last year...
And I was still able to drive it back to camp!!!

One more - I guided a 86 year old Korean war vet and his son in law on a antelope hunt this fall so I stole the wife's 4runner. Her only request was no stinking antelope in her car... I listened!
4runner buck.jpg

No matter what size or shape I would seriously recommend a Toyota - worth it in the long run!
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The Ecoboost is awesome!

Or you could buy my truck that I have decided to sell! 2011 F-250 Super Duty.
All a diesel will gain you is torque and HP. If you are not towing anything then, other than you think they sound cool, no reason to own one. Contrary to what gets reported, unless you chip one, which voids the warranty, they don't do great on mileage. They will do better when towing than gas but just driving it is a wash. I have an 05 Dodge Cummins, it gets 16 mpg no matter what you do.

It is going to cost you $6000-$8000 more just for the motor. An oil change will cost you $90 if you take it in, a little over $50 if you do it yourself. You should change the fuel filter every other oil change. Not bad on a Dodge, but close to $100 for a Duramax filter. Diesel fuel cost $1 more per gallon than gas. Diesel motors work differently than gas engines, they last longer and do better when they are highway driven. Diesel motors are expensive to fix. If you have to take it in it, as the mechanic's like to say, it cost $1000 to pop the hood on a diesel.

I have a Ford Ranger for my every day driver and hunting rig. Love it. Get a smaller pickup, Ford, Toyota, Nissan etc. They will go places in the mountains the big ones won't even consider. They get better mileage, and are cheaper to maintain.
a must for any truck imo is fluidfilm rust inhibitor, weathertech floormats, line-x, and headwater seatcovers. will help make any truck last longer.