Long Range Pistol - 460 S&W?

No budget really.
Do you want a single shot or a revolver?

A single shot in a 357 Maximum (14-15") barrel will probably be flatter than about anything.
You can run Cutting Edge hunting bullets at ridiculous speeds since they are lighter and have less bearing surface.

For high Speed with a lower weight bullet look at Cutting Edge in both 357 and 44.

In Revolvers, look at Spohr.
I'm interested in doing a straight walled pistol cartridge. What do you think is the best option?

I agree with Ernie. If you are looking at a straight-walled cartridge, it is hard to beat the .357 Max. You can use any one of the lighter .35 caliber rifle bullets and have solid performance.

If you are not married to straight walled, then an XP-100 in either 6 or 7BR would do everything you are looking to do. If you can find one, MOA made a great falling block handgun that came in various chamberings. I know a couple of guys who had them in 6.5 Grendel. Mine is a 6BR.
How far could you accurately shoot a pistol? I'm thinking something like the Taurus Raging Hunter 10" with a drop adjustable scope, bipod, and rear bag.

Open to better suggestions than the Taurus as well.

How far is long range? For hunting or ringing steel? Bench rested or field hunting positions?

Have you ever shot a pistol with a scope? Anything above 2x greatly magnifies wiggle even rested. I have a 4x on my Freedom Arms 454. It takes a lot of practice to be consistently accurate getting used to the crosshairs jumping around. I have no problem ringing 9” steel at 200yds at the range but my self imposed “ it’s now or never” shot at game under perfect conditions, no wind, solid rest is 175. I have shot 100’s of pounds of cast boolits, 1000’s of rounds in my 454, heavy 45 colt and 500 linebaugh yet missed a Ram at 165 yds “ now or never “ shot with my FA 454. Got him at 71yds though.

I can ring 12” steel standing off hand with my 500L 525 gr load but won’t take that shot hunting. Nailed a moose at 40 ish yds. Kneeling.

Forget the taurus. Get a Freedom Arms.
Leupold’s custom shop is not what it used to be - silhouette shooters used to have turrets installed on pistol scopes. Third party can do it, but you probably have to supply the parts.

Burris had some higher power pistol scopes, but the current silhouette guys would know which combinations are available today.
Leupold’s custom shop is not what it used to be - silhouette shooters used to have turrets installed on pistol scopes. Third party can do it, but you probably have to supply the parts.

Burris had some higher power pistol scopes, but the current silhouette guys would know which combinations are available today.
Leupold no longer makes pistol scopes, and they quit putting target turrets on pistol scopes several years ago.
Shooting steel from the bench at distance (500 yards) with a revolver is one thing...I had sighter shots to get on steel. Shooting from field positions with a revolver is a lot harder

Do you want a single shot or a revolver?

A single shot in a 357 Maximum (14-15") barrel will probably be flatter than about anything.
You can run Cutting Edge hunting bullets at ridiculous speeds since they are lighter and have less bearing surface.

For high Speed with a lower weight bullet look at Cutting Edge in both 357 and 44.

In Revolvers, look at Spohr.
Probably a single shot, if you're saying there is more performance there.

It is easier with a single shot.
You only have one chamber versus 5 or 6 with a single shot.
It is easier to get a field rest with a single shot.
There is no cylinder gap performance loss with a single shot.
Recommendations on a single shot?
Pretty certain the factory T/C contender barrels are like 1/12, or something around there.

I had looked at one point and they weren't fast enough for heavier projectiles, or so my memory says.

I'd like a 15" myself.
Ya the world of short barreled rifles with a sawed off stock is totally different than the world of revolvers. Two different animals altogether.
Recommendations on a single shot?
The 357 Max will work with a Contender frame or G-2 frame.
You could also do it with a Encore frame...It will be heavier which could be a good thing or a negative things, depending on what you want to do with it.
If you get a barrel from Bullberry, MGM or SSK you can choose your barrel length and probably have a variety of twists to choose from.
For revolvers when it comes to performance you can’t beat a Freedom Arms. The metal, the heat treating, the tight tolerances, etc. cylinders, throats, cylinder gap. All add up to performance and accuracy. In the 454 it is a 60,000 psi cartridge. That is up there with rifle pressures. And can drive a 240 grain XTP mag over 1900 ft./s from 7 1/2 inch barrel. And all with rifle like accuracy. I have shot a bunch of those in my FA 83. Hits like a 300 Weatherby on game. Truly amazing. And all that performance from a pistol, you can pack on your hip.