Links to ammo currently available online:

Hopefully by next year this ammo crisis will have subsided some. Glad I have always had enough supply to support my hunting.
Thanks for all who send the updates. Not the best time to be working up loads for new rifles in new calibers. Finding most everything I have needed with patience and not paying scalper prices. Also have come across some deals and have been able to help out a few others. Once I get several loads figured out I will probably still need a quantity of certain bullets and maybe a few select powders.
@fmyth thank you for your service!
How are you getting all these updates? Subscribing to in stock notifications or just browsing when you find something in stock generously sharing it with us?
Federal has .270 Winchester trophy copper and 140 gr Accubonds available on their website. Just picked up 5 boxes of the accubonds. Been looking for months!
@fmyth thank you for your service!
How are you getting all these updates? Subscribing to in stock notifications or just browsing when you find something in stock generously sharing it with us?
I work at my computer on and off all day. I keep a page open to 3 different websites. Here’s the links to watch for ammo and reloading supplies:

At I set up searches/alerts for my calibers.
When something is available I get a text message and an email.

When actively looking for ammo or reloading supplies I keep each open in a separate window on my computer.

You'll find that you will miss more times than you score. Each time you get an alert on a product you want but can't check out before it goes out of stock take a min and set up an account with that vendor. Next time you'll be able to check out faster. I keep a post it on my screen with my cc#, exp date and ccv code.

If anyone has another place to monitor or any way to make this more effective please share.
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