Lever gun caliber

Question for the Lever afficianados: What is good accuracy for lever actions?

I have a BLR in .358 Win. Buffalo Bore looks like a scatter gun at 100 yards. I’ve hand loaded some 200 Hammers that does much better. Ballistically speaking, it could be 400 yard gun (1800 FPS at 400 yards).

Would like to get another lever, but it won’t be a BLR…

454/45LC would be awesome
Question for the Lever afficianados: What is good accuracy for lever actions?

I have a BLR in .358 Win. Buffalo Bore looks like a scatter gun at 100 yards. I’ve hand loaded some 200 Hammers that does much better. Ballistically speaking, it could be 400 yard gun (1800 FPS at 400 yards).

Would like to get another lever, but it won’t be a BLR…

454/45LC would be awesome
My Henry 357 is dead nuts accurate with iron sights out to 100 yards. My 45/70, well I still need to tinker around with my loads. I am finding that at 100 yards with the 45/70, a lighter load appears to work better.
A gun that lives in my truck I’d want to be short. That rules out 45-70. I had a lever gun in .45 long colt when I competed in Cowboy Action but I wasn’t too impressed with its performance past 100 yards. So of the 3 you mentioned it’d be 30-30.

But personally I’d go with .357 magnum. Even by today’s standards, that caliber is just astounding, and highly underrated. Back in the 80’s when most cops were issued .357 revolvers, they would frequently use them to end car chases—one shot through the engine block and the perp’s joyride was over.
A gun that lives in my truck I’d want to be short. That rules out 45-70. I had a lever gun in .45 long colt when I competed in Cowboy Action but I wasn’t too impressed with its performance past 100 yards. So of the 3 you mentioned it’d be 30-30.

But personally I’d go with .357 magnum. Even by today’s standards, that caliber is just astounding, and highly underrated. Back in the 80’s when most cops were issued .357 revolvers, they would frequently use them to end car chases—one shot through the engine block and the perp’s joyride was over.
Most 45-70 are 16-18 inches.
Question for the Lever afficianados: What is good accuracy for lever actions?

I have a BLR in .358 Win. Buffalo Bore looks like a scatter gun at 100 yards. I’ve hand loaded some 200 Hammers that does much better. Ballistically speaking, it could be 400 yard gun (1800 FPS at 400 yards).

Would like to get another lever, but it won’t be a BLR…

454/45LC would be awesome
There’s been so many interesting threads I forgot about this!

man I can’t speak about BB loads, any folks I know or have read the blr is an accurate platform- but the trigger really sucks without discipline. Or a trigger job. Mpine breaks at 4 lbs now but still a long pull. Really had to dry fire a lot it’s so different than my tikkas and Kimbers.

earlier in this thread I noted my hand loads using the 220 hammer hunters and a final load at 2535 FPS and 10 shot groups from back pack about 1.5 “. During ladder tests couldn’t find a node as it all shot good. The horady factory shoots under an inch.

going to switch to 200 hammers as the other is too compressed. Between Steve at hammer and a buddy helping me were confident near 2700 is doable and won’t be surprised if it’s over.
Question for the Lever afficianados: What is good accuracy for lever actions?

I have a BLR in .358 Win. Buffalo Bore looks like a scatter gun at 100 yards. I’ve hand loaded some 200 Hammers that does much better. Ballistically speaking, it could be 400 yard gun (1800 FPS at 400 yards).

Would like to get another lever, but it won’t be a BLR…

454/45LC would be awesome
I’ve had a couple of BLRs. One .270 and one .308. Both were 1.5”-2” rifles.
I’ve got a Savage 99 in 300 Savage that shoot an inch with handloads.
The most accurate levers I’ve had are Marlins. My 336 in . 35 is consistently around an inch with 200 grain Sierras over Varget.