Lever gun caliber

Marlin 336 in 30-30 and Model 94 in .375. They are both great; but if I had to pick just one I would have to say the 30-30, simply for ammo availability. They are both more than capable of taking anything I would run into in northern Saskatchewan within their yardage limitations
I have: 44 Mag, 30-30, 45-70, and 308 in 99E. Lever hunting is a blast. Makes me take a step back from the modern bolt guns. I've killed deer with all of them

Side question if anyone has a answer: My 99E rifling is looking a little worn down and I know someday the barrel will need to be replaced. Anyone know of a gunsmith who has replaced theirs?
I have: 44 Mag, 30-30, 45-70, and 308 in 99E. Lever hunting is a blast. Makes me take a step back from the modern bolt guns. I've killed deer with all of them

Side question if anyone has a answer: My 99E rifling is looking a little worn down and I know someday the barrel will need to be replaced. Anyone know of a gunsmith who has replaced theirs?
Don't have it rebarreled. Send it to JES and have him rebore it to 358. Its cheaper and you get to keep the factory barrel. His turn around times are quick, too.
I have a Marlin 45-70 and a Winchester 1892 in 45 Colt but I recently got this Uberti 1894 in 38-55 that is very accurate with my handloads. It gets the ride when I want a levergun.


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30-30 would be my recommendation for a lever gun. I would get model 94, old 336 or Henry. They point so fast and naturally.

I would go 45/70 as well but feel 30/30 more versatile. 35 rem and 32 win special are good ones too but ammo is hard to find.
Revisiting your thread, truck gun with iron sights and straight wall - 44 mag hand loaded.

I really think an OEM is missing an opportunity to chamber 350L in lever action. Similar potential to 35 rem/32 ws but straight wall to meet the ridiculous safety restrictions in these parts
Revisiting your thread, truck gun with iron sights and straight wall - 44 mag hand loaded.

I really think an OEM is missing an opportunity to chamber 350L in lever action. Similar potential to 35 rem/32 ws but straight wall to meet the ridiculous safety restrictions in these parts
I agree on the 350L. That was one of my thoughts when it came out. How it would be awesome in a lever gun.
You can’t go wrong with the 45/70 or the 30/30 i have both. Shot my first deer with the 30-30 and my first bear with the 45/70
I am quite fond of the .348 WCF in the 71 Winchester. And the .405 WCF in an 1895 Winchester.

But a real treat it has been to pack a .35 WCF in an 1895 & '95 Winchester. Quite a cartridge and well ahead of its time.

Then again. It is my opinion that the 1895 Winchester was the pinnacle design for Mr. Browning and may be one of the finest hunting rifles ever produced. I'll admit, I'm biased, but I also enjoy many lever designs and calibers.

But that .35 WCF was quite impressive for its day.
Reviving this thread -- any lever fanatics have input on Henry's vs. Winchesters, current production guns?

My understanding is that, while the Henry's are USA Made and perfectly fine guns, the current Winchesters that they're making in Japan are supposedly some of the highest quality lever's ever made.

Already settled on a .30-30 for my next gun, just debating who to buy from.
Hrmm... I do have to say it makes a lot more sense to have both the side-loading gate.. AND... having that option at the top of the magazine tube for just loading the rounds into the hole and then they drop down.

I say this because the act of having to work the action to empty it at the end of the night, it does lead to rounds getting nicks in the bullet and especially the lip of the hollow-points sometimes. YMMV