Lets Talk Google Earth...


Dec 25, 2012

NDTrax is a company that produces GPS chips similar to what HuntingGPSMaps does. I use the TraxWest+ chip in my two Garmins all the time. They have a PC version that overlays with Google Earth to show all the public lands. You can get 10 states all on one disc for $100. I thought this would be a great deal so I ordered it this weekend. I got an email back from them saying they have not had the interest in this product like they anticipated, and may be dropping it going forward. I know Korey updates his maps every year, as I send my chip in for that. If they drop the PC version, there will be no updates for it. He gave me the option to cancel my order for now.

My question to you guys is, how much do you think the public lands that you mainly focus on changes from year to year? I would imagine the big chunks of BLM land, Fed lands etc probably don't change that much. I would imagine the smaller blocks of state lands do change quite a bit. Here in ND, PLOTS would be my example. It's usually only a quarter or half section here and there... In MT I'm sure the equivalent is Block Management land, although probably in bigger chunks then a half section... $100 for 10 states for data as current as 2012, with possibly no updates. Worth it or not? Obviously when I'm on the ground in the area, I will have a GPS with current data.

Also, do a lot of you use something like this when scouting via Google Earth? Is HuntingGPSMaps about the only other option?



Apr 29, 2012
Castle rock, co
For Colorado guys the DOW has an awesome interactive map. Combines a google earth type with a topo. It's really handy to switch back and forth.