Lets Introduce ourselves!

Darcy Peacock
Alberta, Canada
Drilling Fluids Engineer

Mountain hunting addict. Guided mountain hunts(mainly Stone and Bighorn hunts) for 20yrs.
David Morrow
Columbus, Mississippi
Construction administrator/inspector
Avid hunter/outdoorsman, backpacker in training
25, married, no kids
Western WA (trying to get to a Rocky Mountain State)
Flyfishing, Back packing, bow hunting (so far unsuccessful)
Full time student, interning, looking for a career
29, married, no kids yet, two dogs
Live in eastern Nebraska
Enjoy ice fishing, hunting whitetail, turkey, upland birds, and bowfishing. Mostly archery hunt but will gun hunt as well.
One backpack CO archery elk hunt under my belt. Be back this year to try again.
Hazmat/radioactive materials specialist at large university.
Dave Schwartz
51 - not even close to being done...
East central MN
Son-NG soldier in Afghanistan
Teen daughter-well, ya know...
Strictly bowhunter, stands behind the 2nd though.
Absolutely hooked on elk hunting since my first trip in '99. I also deer and turkey.
Design drafter
Cant believe I'm 37
Married with two awesome little kids
Love bow hunting FL and GA but usually take the rifles when I go out west and to Alaska!
Dan F.
Just outside of Phila PA
Married with 2 boys and 2 girls-very lucky as they are very low maintenance
Police Officer/Asset Protection Manager
95% archery but I do luv my rifles----live and breathe the 2nd
DIY trophy whitetails and chasing bugling bulls are my main addictions but we hunt everything
Crazy gobblers are right up there too
Training hard and counting the days til AUG 8th----AK Dall Hunt !!!! STOKED!!!!!!!
Elizabeth, CO
Married no kids yet
Police Officer/Taxidermist
Bowhunt and team rope.
Grew up shooting whitetails in west Michigan and still do a bunch of that in Kansas and Nebraska.
I love the high country.
Saved by Grace.
Chris Swafford 41
SE TN at the moment
USMC/Iraq veteran
Small business owner, former pastry chef
Trad gear junky
Married? Accused, never convicted :)
Jaime Bowen 50
I am an accountant in SE Georgia but grew up out west.
Paid my way through college as a Union Ironworker.
I have 2 great kids.
I bow hunt exclusively and fly fish on the Ohoopee river
for redbreast in the spring.

43 years old
Engineer for Comcast
Resident Rokslide Pain in the A$$
Professional gets lost in a wet paper bag =)
Robert Frost "Frosty"....I don't write poetry!

Active Duty USAF almost 13 yrs now...wow time flies.
Grew up in South Dakota and currently in Alaska!
Enjoy most everything outdoors related.
Hope to get my first grizzly this year!!
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Database/Software Application Admin
Long time backpacker, rifle hunter ('77 Browning BLR .308 w/2.5-10 Nikon Monarch), picking up bowhunting this year (elk)
2 kids (9 and 5), wife and a dog and cat
I brew more beer than I drink.

Fort Peck, MT
Newly married
One German shorthair pointer and one Yellow Lab
If I'm not thinking about hunting then I'm thinking about fishing
34 years old
Napa, CA (not by my choice held at gunpoint by my wife)
Father of two
Full time LEO
Gear junkie, I will hunt anything that moves if I can
28 years young,
Fort Collins, CO
Engineering Supervisor
Father of 2 boys, 1 daughter (all under 6)
Grew up chasing animals in MT, now work/live in Northern CO. Bowhunted since I was young, recently got into backcountry bow hunting (primarily elk) to avoid the crowds in CO a few years back. Year-round passion.
28 years old
Nuclear Medicine
Married with no kids
Grew up in South Dakota, and now live in Maple Grove, Minnesota. I Deer and turkey hunt in
South dakota and Minnesota. I antelope and Deer hunt in Wyoming. Bear hunt in Canada I hunt mostly with the stick and string, but rifle hunt as well.
Looking to embark on my first backcountry elk hunt in CO with the bow this year.
Live to hunt.
Zack Walton
30 years old
Roseville, Ca
Orthopedic Device Sales (total joints, etc.)
Married without kids. We have a Boston terrier.
I got my first bow at 4 months old and haven't put it down since. I love bowhunting deer and have done so all over The West, but love hunting Columbian blacktails more than anything else. Over the next several years, I will start branching out more to other species--especially in Alaska and Canada.