Let see your best camp photos!

Grouse Camp 2022


Elk Camp 2022


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Sideline, mxgs I love cast iron!

nice Frypan, what is it?
Me too! It’s an old 12” Lodge Chefs Collection model. It’s my dedicated camping/hunting skillet. Doesn’t always make the hunts because I only bring it to dedicated “big camp” hunts.

This year I was lucky enough to fry up some coues deer tenderloin and half of one the back strap for my cousin, his wife, and a good friend. Little butter in the cast iron, salt, pepper, touch of garlic… It doesn’t get any better than that!




A few from my 22 WY Gen (archery) hunt. 7 miles in and never saw a sole. 9 glorious days solo. Broke down camp every morning and pitched it wherever I was standing at dark. 75.1 miles on my boots. OR Bivy sack and a Kifaru sheep tarp. Fast set up/tear down, and just enough with no extra.

I had the awesome experience of riding out a 22 hour long late September storm of rain/sleet/snow and, of course, the raging wind that WY is so famous for.

I’ve been through a number of different systems but this is now my go-to for backpack hunts.