Leica Noctivid vs. Swarovski EL, by Steve Osminski

Hey Steve, great write up. just curious how my Zeiss T FL 10x42's still stack up against the latest and greatest. I believe you had a pair of those in your testing.

Ron, depending on conditions, I lost detail in the Zeiss between one and three minutes before the Els/Noctivids.
Thanks, Steve. It would be hard to justify the big money for an upgrade, when it's well past shooting light anyway. But if I know me, I probably will at some point. ha ha

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Nice review.....one question for you. I've seen it posted both ways that the FOV for the 10 x 42 Noctivid is 336' and 376'... I noticed your Noctivid spec sheet shows it being 376'.......can you or anyone verify the actual ( real ) FOV on the 10x Noctivid?....thanks
Do you recall how the geovid HD-bs compared?

The Geovid HD-B are the most impressive all around piece of optics I've ever held. If I was a guide, there is no doubt I would carry these Geovid HD-B. If I was starting over, and could only have ONE binocular, I would have this Geovid HD-B. The ergonomics, optics, rangefinder, and ballistic software are an incredible package. The only slight drawback is the weight. Light gathering wise they were within 1-3 minutes of my ELs and the Noctivids. Resolution wise they were one slight (very slight) step below the EL/Noctivids level. The highway entrance sign they were very close, I had to use +/- type rating to separate there. An additional reolution test I was able to do in the early testing was this political sign on the road at 375 yards.


The Leica Ultravid HD Plus, The Swarovski ELs, and my Duovids on 15 power could read the text inside the star. All the others others you could tell there was something in there but I was not able to read it. I did not have the Noctovids at that point but am quite confident I could have read the text with them from all the other work I did comparing with my ELS.
What a great real world testing system and enjoyable read, thank you.

What were your thoughts on the new Trinovids ?

The new Trinovids are absolutely the best deal going in optics. To my eye, their optical quality in low light performance and resolution was equal to the Geovids. They are an incredible value for $999 list price. An incredible value.
Nice review.....one question for you. I've seen it posted both ways that the FOV for the 10 x 42 Noctivid is 336' and 376'... I noticed your Noctivid spec sheet shows it being 376'.......can you or anyone verify the actual ( real ) FOV on the 10x Noctivid?....thanks

Nope, not going to be me. Looking thru both of them, the Noctivids looked to have a slight advantage and I tried to find an easy way to quantify it but could not. It is not worth it to me to stake out markers or whatever and physically measure. It is what it is and 10-20 feet or whatever it is does not make any difference. I've used 10x binos quite a bit in thick thick cover at stickbow range most of my adult life and have not had any issues so I typically ignore the specs there.
Im not too up on the Leica bino options, but Ive been peripherally surfing for a new set of top end 10x42s. I assume from the mounting used in the review the noctivid is not bino stud compatible, is that correct? Also, the trinovids?
What are your thoughts about the armor on the binos? I've never owned any but the Leica appear to be "slicker" and easier to scratch compared to the Swaros I have seen. That may be totally unwarranted so looking for feedback on that.

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Im not too up on the Leica bino options, but Ive been peripherally surfing for a new set of top end 10x42s. I assume from the mounting used in the review the noctivid is not bino stud compatible, is that correct? Also, the trinovids?

I believe the issue with the Noctivid mounting is the open bridge design. I believe all the Ultravid will be adaptable with a cap just like they were inthe old days (90s). I have a recent set of 8x32 Ultravids I will check tonight and post a couple pics.
What are your thoughts about the armor on the binos? I've never owned any but the Leica appear to be "slicker" and easier to scratch compared to the Swaros I have seen. That may be totally unwarranted so looking for feedback on that.

Sorry I can't give any opinion on that. I've always treated "armoring" on optics as decoration. I do not count on it to protect whatsoever. I use my stuff as hard as the next guy but depend on ME to take care of it.
I believe the issue with the Noctivid mounting is the open bridge design. I believe all the Ultravid will be adaptable with a cap just like they were inthe old days (90s). I have a recent set of 8x32 Ultravids I will check tonight and post a couple pics.

Well, it's not looking like Ultravids are going to be mountable without the Leica Tripod Adapter.

Here are the "guts" of my 8x32 Ultravids:

Nothing to screw onto. I believe the newest Trinovid HDs have the same stuff up front and same for the Noctivids.

My old Trinovids and my Duovids look like this:

That allows me to use these adapters to hook up to any adapter plate:

Steve......I didn't explain myself very well in an earlier post. I've seen the FOV for the Noctivid listed at 336' and 376' . That's a 10% difference in published FOV. could one number mean 336' at 1000 yards, and the other be 376' at 1000 meters???...I'd just like to know what number is correct as I'm comparing binos for a future purchase.
Any technical reason why Leica Noctivids are not set up for attaching a stud so that they can be mounted to a tripod without the adapter. On a binocular of this class it seems like it should be an option. Leica must have their reasons.
so im finding out that my eyes are not up to the quality of these alpha glasses... maybe lasik will help with that someday but for now I am extremely happy with my razors. what I did notice on the two pictures of the turkey is the chromatic abjuration on the left side of the tree trunk... thanks to Ryan and that damn podcast I notice that shit more than if things are in focus these days... which nockers was the top photo?