Leica Amplus 6 Riflescope review by Josh Boyd **updated 7/5/22**

Well, I decided to run my amplus 2.5-15x50 through the drop tests today. I have never felt more foolish dropping a rifle on purpose and watching it bounce (and bounce it did!) off the ground. I’m sure I didn’t follow the protocol to the letter, but the results were incredibly pleasing. I have this on a rifle getting 1.25-1.5” ten shot groups with this particular ammo. I had a steady wind pushing things left to right today, but not too bad. All 15 shots were in the rifle’s established cone and about as good as my modest shooting ability can produce. This is the first time I’ve done any testing like this, but so have several other scopes that walk all over the place and I needed to know this one wouldn’t do that. I’m satisfied with my sample of one. YMMV

My point of aim was the corner of the square on the left side of the group if that matters.


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I just purchased the Leica Amplus 6
3-18 from the guys at Europtic. They gave me a heck of a deal. I mounted it on a Christensen Ridgeline 300 win mag with Talley lows and absolutely love the setup! I have tested the tracking and banged it up with great results! Pretty much what others have said above.
Only gripe is the windAge turret is very small and hard to see markings when making windage adjustments
That's a really tough call. The glass in both scopes are really nice with a slight edge going to the Amplus but the Tmoa reticle of the VX6 is considerably less cluttered. At this point I've used the tree-styled reticles enough that I am used to them, but if a clean sight picture is desired about all else, then the VX6 would be a better fit.

price-wise I think the Leica edges out the Leupold unless you can find a deal online.
Josh did you feel the Amplus "eyebox" to be finicky? I've heard a couple complaints on the Magnus eyebox to be finicky at higher magnification.
Josh did you feel the Amplus "eyebox" to be finicky? I've heard a couple complaints on the Magnus eyebox to be finicky at higher magnification.
I didn't find it finicky at all at the higher end of the magnification setting. Once it was set at the optimal eye relief, it didn't ever cross my mind again.
Gotcha. While were at it, could you ask those contacts at Leica for a descriptive difference between the Amplus and Magnus lines? The Magnus is more expensive and heavier. To me that logically seems like it would mean better glass and stronger construction. Is that accurate? The Leica website does a poor job of explaining the differences.
Did you ever find an answer on low light glass difference between Magnus and Amplus 6 ?
Hey Josh great review! I'm on the fence about buying one of these. Everything about the scope seems perfect for what i want, except the lack of a sunshade is kind of a deal breaker for me, as my rifle club/range shoots towards the afternoon sun. Plus I often find myself shooting towards a setting sun in the field.
Has anyone found an aftermarket sun shade, or one from another scope manufacturer, that fits and is the same colour/diameter as this scope?


Ps. This is my first Rokslide post 😃
Sorry for the delay on this review as testing was "paused" for while until I could get another optic in hand. Last week a test scope arrived and I had it mounted without delay. Everything is dialed and ready for spring bear and some range time!

For those who are still curious about this scope and have an interest in the review I want to say thank you for sticking with me!

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DUDE!!! That Rifle though!!!!:eek::eek:
I just purchased the Leica Amplus 6
3-18 from the guys at Europtic. They gave me a heck of a deal. I mounted it on a Christensen Ridgeline 300 win mag with Talley lows and absolutely love the setup! I have tested the tracking and banged it up with great results! Pretty much what others have said above.
Ive got the same rifle. How difficult was it to get eye relief with the talleys. How close is the objective lens to the barrel, and lastly any issue with the bolt lift Into the scope
Bringing this back around as I am thinking of picking up an Amplus for a new build.
Josh how has the scope treated you since the review. Anyone else have any other feedback.