Left Hand 223 Options

Who did your importing for you? I'm sure you'll love that gun. A few of us did it in reverse back when the LH 375 Ruger guns came out. Prophet River in Lloydminster AB took care of everything going from the US to Canada.
Borderview International Firearms Logistics took great care of me.
Do you mind if I ask which Canadian online retailer you bought from? I would like to purchase one for my son, and have looked for 2-3 years for a lefty Tikka .223, but didn’t know this was an option! Thank you
Corlanes Sporting Goods. They still had 3 left when I purchased mine.
Borderview International Firearms Logistics took great care of me.
Interesting hadn't heard of them before thanks.
Corlanes Sporting Goods. They still had 3 left when I purchased mine.
Have dealt with Corlanes many times up here, great people to work with. My last project with them they put on a 6.8 Western barrel onto my Tikka .
Interesting hadn't heard of them before thanks.

Have dealt with Corlanes many times up here, great people to work with. My last project with them they put on a 6.8 Western barrel onto my Tikka .
They truly were awesome to deal with.
Can anyone confirm whether the Winchester XPR inlet is different than the model 70? I've looked around, and I haven't been able to find a definitive answer, but I would think the answer is yes, given different safeties and bolt. But worth confirming, because IF the two inlets are the same, the easy button would seem getting an XPR LH 223 and dropping it into a Model 70 Rokstok.

@Unknown Munitions maybe you can opine on whether we Southpaws can go this Winchester route?