Least you would hunt with

For an open-country hunt that requires glassing and requires packing meat more than a half mile:

Savage Axis XP Combo in .270Win or .308Win = $349
3 Boxes Federal Blue Box or Remington Core-Lokt - $30x3=$90
Bushnell/Vortex/Sig/Nikon Entry Level Rangefinder = $175
Total: $614

Celestron Nature DX 10x42 = $150
Vortex Glasspack Harness = $50
Slik Sprint Pro III with ball head = $105
Chinese Bino Tripod Adapter = $15
Total = $320

Lowa/Salomon/Asolo/Keen Hikers: =$150-250

Kelty Cache Hauler or Alpz Commander Frame = $110
Daypack to attach to frame = $50
Alaska Game bags = $25
Buck 684 Knife = $30
Misc. Kill Kit Stuff =$25
Total = $240

Whatever you have. Camo not required. I won't add this to the total cost.

Total cost of weapon, optics, boots and pack = $1374

I could happily hunt with this setup and be effective. I'd certainly prefer more expensive gear, but I wouldn't hunt much differently with this setup than I do with the gear I've accumulated to this point. If I were hunting timber I could easily do away with the tripod and rangerfinder and get the total closer to $1100.

$1300 isn't a huge amount for many people, but it isn't nothing! There's a definite financial barrier to entry for new hunters, and that could be especially daunting if a person isn't yet positive they'll stick with it.

If they do stick with it I'd look to upgrade the binos first, then the rifle scope. You can do a lot with the rest of the gear in this list.
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I pretty regularly hunt in beat up old carhartts, xtratuffs with holes in them, a sweatshirt with holes in the elbows, and a 30-30 that belonged to my grandfather.

I never killed or deer or elk that was too interested in how fancy my clothes are