Late Season Muzzlelaoder Mule Deer Hunt

@ryanavery this is what happens when N. Idaho people try to mix it up with S. Idaho people.

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#Legend they appear to be rutting still?
Heck the bucks in my area dont even seem to be cruzing anymore the rut seems completely over here.
#Legend they appear to be rutting still?
Heck the bucks in my area dont even seem to be cruzing anymore the rut seems completely over here.

I think the peak of the rut is over, but it only takes one hot doe and then bucks will be right back in there. And if there’s any hunting pressure at all, the big bucks stay in the cover for the most part to chase does.

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What is the morning update Robby

Hey man thanks for the wake up call. Actually got up at 3:30 AM and went and ran 10 miles in my pack boots & Kryptek hunting clothes and a 50 pound pack. We got 3 inches of snow last night so that added to the difficulty too. I tried to Facebook-live it but these mittens make it tough.

Now Cash and I are in the pick up headed for the hills, but we decided since we’re going full beast mode this morning to fuel up on some ultra nutritious food


We’ll be in the unit in the next few hours so I’ll update everyone.

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Cash is my navigator hitting @BaseMap So far it’s just traffic control but we’ll be outta town shortly.

Cash spends a tonna time on Google Earth, which Basemap has. Amazing how fast that generation can learn an app.

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Bad Roads from idaho falls all the way to the unit.
Cash checked the webcams. At least we got good hunting conditions.

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