Large Black Cats

Animals that are super rare are, black coyotes, albino deer, piebald deer, yet we see clear Live Photos, clear videos and dead photos. As many sighting of these black panthers that we read about on forums and Facebook, there should be pictures of them all over. Go get on an Arkansas or Oklahoma hunting page on Facebook. These MF’s have more black cat sighting than they do Boone and Crockett bucks. But none of them can provided a picture.
I’ve caught many black coyotes in my time even caught a few with blue eyes
My sightings were so long ago there were no cellphones with cams or no cellphones period at those times and really the first thing that doesn’t come to my mind is taking a pic or vid if something suddenly happens
My generation wasn’t raised on that train of thought
Rednecks everywhere rejoice! “I told you I seent it!”

Nah, the ones they seent had long tails! Clear as day, no mistake. Where they’re from they have more black than brown ones!

There are more Bigfoot pictures that are hard to debunk than LBC pictures.
I remember seeing an article last year that showed trailcam pics of both a black jaguar and also a regular spotted jaguar that apparently had crossed the border... I seem to recall it was bottom of AZ or NM.
There is a species of wild cat called a Jaguarundi in our southern swamps looks like a mini mountain lion. They are about the size of a small bobcat. Really rare. Currently google says they don’t have range here in Alabama and Florida, but I have seen one when I was a child.

And talking with some old timer biologists they were documented at one point here. Also found an excerpt in my dad’s old old wildlife book his dad bought him talking about them.

Saw a few posts on another thread and wanted to start one about this subject
How many have actually saw a large black cat and knew that it was no house cat ?
I can accept the science that says there is no melanism in the puma family
However I have seen 3 very large black cats in my lifetime
1 I was in my front yard and kept hearing a cooing sound like a baby would make when I spot this LBC under the light walking towards me but quartering some. What I saw was 6’-7’ nose to tail tip and it was maybe 20 yds from me
2 had just started hunt a new area when I hear something coming up the trail toward my stand
It was a LBC and it walked about 10’ from the tree I was in and looked up at me and casually turned and walked away.
It was maybe 4’-5’ nose to tail tip
3 was driving to work one morning going by some hay fields that had just been cut when I see what I think is a big black lab playing just off the road ahead of me
When I get to the place I see it’s a LBC and it has its front feet stretched out in front of itself and it’s pushing itself under the cut bay like it was after a rabbit or field rat
This cat was maybe 5’-6’ nose to tail tip and was less than 50 yds from me
Many in my family and neighbors have seen these cats
Let’s hear the stories
Man, you need to carry a camera every where you go. A picture is worth 10,000 words in this case. Tell the rest of your family to carry one to. Didn't really read all the thread, but if you don't live where you seen these, move back, you could be a rich man ( or at least famous) getting an actual picture, or better yet a bullet in one. Three in one life time, and he'll your still alive, could be more then that. Graced by God, maybe.
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Man, you need to carry a camera every where you go. A picture is worth 10,000 words in this case. Tell the rest of your family to carry one to.
As I stated earlier
These sightings took place during a time when there were no cell phones or none with cameras
I’m a little quicker with getting my phone into action to take a pic of vid of things
It still isn’t the first thing that comes to mind though
Man it would be the first thing I would grab, but I seriously if I had seen three of them, a camera, and my phone would be with me constantly. And that thing would be cranking pictures as fast as it could.
Man, you need to carry a camera every where you go. A picture is worth 10,000 words in this case. Tell the rest of your family to carry one to. Didn't really read all the thread, but if you don't live where you seen these, move back, you could be a rich man ( or at least famous) getting an actual picture, or better yet a bullet in one. Three in one life time, and he'll your still alive, could be more then that. Graced by God, maybe.
So true, but the problem is that black cats, much like abominable snowmen, yetis, and Sasquatchs, have such a strong scent that it blurs photos to the point that they are unidentifiable. They completely block trail cams.
I have seen 7 mountain lions in my life, the closest being 15 yards with both of us on the ground. 5 were in Arkansas, 1 in south Texas, and 1 in Colorado.

One of them I saw in Arkansas was black. Farmers in the area had seen it also. I topped a hill on a long cut in road through the woods that dead ended. It was standing in the middle of the road less than 200 yards from me. It bolted into the woods, but I found its tracks where it crossed the dirt road.

I know what I saw. I don't know if it was a panther, a jaguar, or whatever you want to name it, but it and it's tail took up half or more of that dirt road. And, it was black, not dark brown. Black. It was an awesome experience seeing it.
I have seen 7 mountain lions in my life, the closest being 15 yards with both of us on the ground. 5 were in Arkansas, 1 in south Texas, and 1 in Colorado.

One of them I saw in Arkansas was black. Farmers in the area had seen it also. I topped a hill on a long cut in road through the woods that dead ended. It was standing in the middle of the road less than 200 yards from me. It bolted into the woods, but I found its tracks where it crossed the dirt road.

I know what I saw. I don't know if it was a panther, a jaguar, or whatever you want to name it, but it and it's tail took up half or more of that dirt road. And, it was black, not dark brown. Black. It was an awesome experience seeing it.
Did you immediately get the urge to whip out your phone to take a pic or were you in awe at seeing a LBC ?
If I were to see another one I’m not sure I’d be quick enough to override the awe to take a pic
Did you immediately get the urge to whip out your phone to take a pic or were you in awe at seeing a LBC ?
If I were to see another one I’m not sure I’d be quick enough to override the awe to take a pic
Apparently we need to wear a GoPro 24-7 cuz our words of sightings are worthless. 🤷‍♂️
Did you immediately get the urge to whip out your phone to take a pic or were you in awe at seeing a LBC ?
If I were to see another one I’m not sure I’d be quick enough to override the awe to take a pic
Back then cellphones were bag phones without pic taking ability. This was in the early 90's.
Apparently we need to wear a GoPro 24-7 cuz our words of sightings are worthless. 🤷‍♂️
Well, I think it's what a lot of the younger generation have lived and cultivated. People's word used to mean something. People used to respect one another. In general people used to be somewhat accountable and maybe even nicer.

There are a lot of prime examples of none of that these days. And a few folks that are still ok.
Well, I think it's what a lot of the younger generation have lived and cultivated. People's word used to mean something. People used to respect one another. In general people used to be somewhat accountable and maybe even nicer.

There are a lot of prime examples of none of that these days. And a few folks that are still ok.
Lying has taken over the human race, have you not listened to our government, they are setting a prime example. Every one follows.
This might look like a normal sized cat but on the inside she is cruising the mountains. She kills everything and I wish I had one just like her that weighed 40#.


I've only seen bobcats in the wild. Not black.
So true, but the problem is that black cats, much like abominable snowmen, yetis, and Sasquatchs, have such a strong scent that it blurs photos to the point that they are unidentifiable. They completely block trail cams.
If only they could block these posts too! :)