Kuiu vs Kifaru - My decision

Yep your the same size as me but Im about 10 lbs lighter. I bet you are a size 38-40 waist. You need a size Marge Belt. Its a size they don't advertise but will make for you its between a med and large belt. it works perfectly. Couple of us here have them and they make a world of difference. Great review.
Yep your the same size as me but Im about 10 lbs lighter. I bet you are a size 38-40 waist. You need a size Marge Belt. Its a size they don't advertise but will make for you its between a med and large belt. it works perfectly. Couple of us here have them and they make a world of difference. Great review.

Ya. I'm a worn out 36 or new 38. I talked with Frank, they're doing the "Marge" thing. Thanks for all the tips guys, sounds like you were all right on with the issue.

I still can't wrap my head around it. It seems like a smaller belt would keep the ends further apart making things more stable as it only has a problem when the tension gets high and the power pull gets close to the buckle. A larger belt would just put them closer to bottoming out.
Just to close this out, Kifaru sent me a "Marge" belt. It definitely works better. It still does the pull and release thing, but if I wiggle the strap while pulling it mostly just cinches down tight. The foam part isn't a whole lot bigger which means I still have a couple inches when I pull it down all the way tight so it should last through another pant size which is about the smallest I'll ever get. I sent back the other belt today.

The power pull pockets that hold the slider bars are MUCh tighter on this one and are hit with multiple layers of stitching around them. There is no possible movement of the plastic inside the pocket, and it has a lot of friction just trying to rotate. What's cool is you can tell they custom sewed this one based on my issue. That's something you won't see with most companies. I realize you're paying for that service and the value is a choice everyone will have to make...but if you want the best these are the things you'll pay for and receive. This definitely puts Kifaru in the "top tier" and perhaps "top dog" in this space. I'm happy with my decision.
Just to close this out, Kifaru sent me a "Marge" belt. It definitely works better. It still does the pull and release thing, but if I wiggle the strap while pulling it mostly just cinches down tight. The foam part isn't a whole lot bigger which means I still have a couple inches when I pull it down all the way tight so it should last through another pant size which is about the smallest I'll ever get. I sent back the other belt today.

The power pull pockets that hold the slider bars are MUCh tighter on this one and are hit with multiple layers of stitching around them. There is no possible movement of the plastic inside the pocket, and it has a lot of friction just trying to rotate. What's cool is you can tell they custom sewed this one based on my issue. That's something you won't see with most companies. I realize you're paying for that service and the value is a choice everyone will have to make...but if you want the best these are the things you'll pay for and receive. This definitely puts Kifaru in the "top tier" and perhaps "top dog" in this space. I'm happy with my decision.

Mines now starting to do this as I'm adding weight and using it more. Seems like once it starts it's a down hill slide.

I was use to tightening it with both hands free (one on the buckle and one on the webbing) but it's been so hot here lately the last two days I've carried a water in hand and tried to tighten with just one hand and that's when it started.

I'll call Mr. Frank tomm.
Any follow report up on the belt issue?

Belt issue is resolved. The length is fixed, and the slider pull is staying tight as noted above. All's well in kifaru land from my standpoint. I find myself using the guide lid as a day pack more than the whole ruck, but as summer turns to fall I hope to hang up the bike and get back to doing more rucking for exercise.
Someone better call Boeing and tell them the 787 carbon wings aren't going to work if they flex with turbulence! Joking aside, I understand your point but I'm not super worried about it. Kuiu is working with an actual carbon fiber design house. If they did it themselves from kits I'd be worried. CF has been around long enough that a good shop can design parts to stay in the elastic regime meaning it's flexing but not undergoing any permanent changes. It's possible they didn't design it correctly, but with the testing videos and reviews it looks to be fine. Part of the CF process is trial and error which is why they've gone through so many design changes. That's part of the growing pains of that technology.

This sounds like the issue. Although the guys below talking about size may be right too. I'm near the end of adjustment. I'm down 50lbs this year and have another 25 to go. When I get there I'll probably bottom it out. In the picture the plastic bar twists like this every time I try to get any tighter. It's about max tightness in the picture, but I'd like it just a little more snug. The kuiu system is absolutely effortless to get a crushing tension. I'm not sure if it's the hardware or angles, but it works so well. I'll give kifaru a call and see what they recommend.

Edit: The picture didn't work before

Happens every time I use the pack. It is very annoying
They need to add a stiff rod in the belt horizontally right behind the power pull buckle. This would keep it stable and also keep equal tension across the belt.

Having the right size belt makes a difference too. I stared with a medium belt at size 34 and ended ordering a small/medium belt and it works perfectly.
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