Kuiu small/medium waist belt question


Jun 8, 2016
Im in the market for a used Icon Pro and Im right on border for waist sizing at a 34. There seem to be a lot of sm/med waist belt packs for sale. Anyone with a similar size waist and or a littler larger 35 or 36 using a small medium belt without issue? How does it work for you?
Im in the market for a used Icon Pro and Im right on border for waist sizing at a 34. There seem to be a lot of sm/med waist belt packs for sale. Anyone with a similar size waist and or a littler larger 35 or 36 using a small medium belt without issue? How does it work for you?

Go small, I was in the same boat probably a little towards the larger size and the pack wouldn't fit me right and killed me when I had any load on it. Ended up bailing on it and just bought an exo which is on its way.