Kuiu "Made in China"

Kuiu "Made in China"

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The attack pants are one of my favorite outdoors clothing pieces BUT if they end up being made in China I will NOT buy them. China ! Really ? What a joke !

Guess you haven't bought anything from them in say 2 years like when this thread was started. Everything is out of China except the merino and carbon frame, has been since this thread started.
I think you guys have no idea on what is made in China. Stores like Target and Walmart are built are the stuff. Cheap goods and services.

The feeding frenzie at the Kuiu garage sale was spectacular. I didn't get caught up in it and spent $20.

If you don't like the stuff, why even talk about it? I'm pretty brand neutral. I wear and use mix bag of gear. Life's too short to sweat the unimportant shit.
I don't think that recent history of Kuiu bears that out. They presold every stitch of Canadian sewn clothing they could make. If they had invested in expanding Canadian or US manufacturing they would have continued to sell all they could sew. They went the quick and easy way to get rich and to hell with western workers.

You may not comprehend this but kuiu did not own that factory... the factory would not expand, period. They do they same thing all NA textile mills do. Becareful and cautious of over expanding. Kuiu went over seas soley to meet demand.

Kuiu might have done a 1 million in revenue the first year in business, might. That makes a lot of sense to buy a 70 million factory that already isn't big enough to meet their needs with the factory's current clients. No factory is going to cut the throats of their long term clients for what kuiu and what it was the first two years in business(a start up).

If Danner, UA,, Columbia, Nike, Patagonia can find a way to get it done here, how do you think a sub million dollar start up can?

Your business knowledge is lacking, but your hunger for hating kuiu isn't.
Texans42 , if there was a will there was a way. The argument is that the clothing would be too expensive to sell if made here but that isn't born out by Kuiu's experience. The direct to consumer makes it possible . None of the companies mentioned are direct to consumer . It's also true that it's much easier and less risky to subcontract to SE Asia than it is to raise and tie up capital in your own factory. It's plain timidity , greed , and laziness that keeps production offshore. Someone needs to fill the niche market for USA made technical clothing. There are a few but the designs are meh and the marketing is dismal.
Texans42 , if there was a will there was a way. The argument is that the clothing would be too expensive to sell if made here but that isn't born out by Kuiu's experience. The direct to consumer makes it possible . None of the companies mentioned are direct to consumer . It's also true that it's much easier and less risky to subcontract to SE Asia than it is to raise and tie up capital in your own factory. It's plain timidity , greed , and laziness that keeps production offshore. Someone needs to fill the niche market for USA made technical clothing. There are a few but the designs are meh and the marketing is dismal.

Let me preface this by saying, this is in no way meant to be a slam.

After reading your may posts about the lack of US manufacturing. Have you considered being that someone?

You definitely exude the passion for it.
Texans42 , if there was a will there was a way. The argument is that the clothing would be too expensive to sell if made here but that isn't born out by Kuiu's experience. The direct to consumer makes it possible . None of the companies mentioned are direct to consumer . It's also true that it's much easier and less risky to subcontract to SE Asia than it is to raise and tie up capital in your own factory. It's plain timidity , greed , and laziness that keeps production offshore. Someone needs to fill the niche market for USA made technical clothing. There are a few but the designs are meh and the marketing is dismal.

No kuiu was getting pissed off customers because they couldn't get or keep stock...that was a direct result of the consumer model. Everyone else pre-sales and orders a YEAR in advance.

Overseas is cheaper labor but until you get to size able orders its not cheaper, because you have built in set costs...such as factory switch over costs, shipping, etc.

Price breaks don't come until you get sizable orders 3 -8million. Even then kuiu is still using some of the most expensive plants in china, which means pricing cost actually rivals NA, but they have much higher output abilities.

You are still shooting off the hip.

You keep talking about this all American company. Hell somebody mentioned kifaru should make clothes. . That's funny, were is the fabric from?

china isn't the hot bed its use to be for textiles. They are quickly seeing an up tick in costs,

You really want to know what's wrong with America its called Conspicuous consumption and the personal safegaurds built into our wage system...aka we the middle class need to figure out real quickly if we are really worth what we think we are. Its a global work force now
No money and no ambition to run a large business that would be all consuming trying to build it. Between my ADD and my desire to be relatively free of responsibility to others it would kill me and I'd surely fail. I desire to hunt , play , and fish and my business support that . I don't want to grow a large organization that consumes me and becomes my identity.
Without unfettered access to the conspicuous consumption of the American market SE Asian economies would wither and collapse. Without the vibrant internal markets China and the rest of Asia is totally dependent on free access to our developed consumer market. The free access to our developed economy is draining the wealth from the USA . Our current policies benefit the borderless ultra wealthy at the expense of the vast majority of Americans. The current trend is corporate inversion which is legal corporate tax evasion. Like heroin addicts , our addiction to exploitive labor is slowly killing us but the withdrawal is so painful that we continue on to our destruction. I'm hoping we are seeing the beginning of a slowly tapering of our use and an eventual quit. Cold turkey would be fatal right now.
When I read that Shrek all I could think of was Frank the Tank from Old School!!

"What happened? I blacked out"!!!

Thanks for the complement ! I can completely sympathize with Frank the Tank.

Btw , I've never got drunk and streaked through the neighborhood but I did get totaled one New Year Eve , pick up a chick and have sex on the beach oblivious to a gathering crowd :D . So I got that on my resume , which is nice...
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Without unfettered access to the conspicuous consumption of the American market SE Asian economies would wither and collapse. Without the vibrant internal markets China and the rest of Asia is totally dependent on free access to our developed consumer market. The free access to our developed economy is draining the wealth from the USA . Our current policies benefit the borderless ultra wealthy at the expense of the vast majority of Americans. The current trend is corporate inversion which is legal corporate tax evasion. Like heroin addicts , our addiction to exploitive labor is slowly killing us but the withdrawal is so painful that we continue on to our destruction. I'm hoping we are seeing the beginning of a slowly tapering of our use and an eventual quit. Cold turkey would be fatal right now.

Much, much better. The true shrek is much better then the archery talk hate style shrek.

Oh and I concur with the above. Well stated
Can't afford them either way.
I'm hoping the chinese company makes tons of knockoffs and floods the market with cheap gear and puts him out of business. I think any company that is american and builds their product in china to sell in america is commiting treason.
I wonder if one of the hidden costs of overseas production is that I can no longer find pants that are made for people that are taller then they are wide. Even Sitka tall versions have waist sizes greater then their inseams. I guess I can still get a long inseam from Enigma Camo since they are made locally one pair at a time.
I didn't read all of the posts in this thread. I wish to make one point. I wish our government would stop forcing (yes, I mean forcing) American businesses to "have" to operate overseas. If our politicians would back off of their silly little crusade to see to it everybody else gets their "fair share" of someone else's hard labors, risk, investments, etc., then businesses would not be forced to "go overseas". I have been an American soldier for almost 29 years. Anymore, it almost makes me sick when I hear "buy American". The new phrase should be, "politicians back off so our entrepenours can hire Americans to manufacture American made products". Some businesses could stay completely within CONUS and still make a profit. Why would they when they can be more profitable going overseas. Businesses are "in business" for one reason and one reason only. They are in business to generate as much income/profit as possible for the owner(s)/shareholder(s) and nothing more. Creating jobs and benefitting the tax base, etc., etc., are only ancillary benefits to the risk takers of the world taking their shot to do well. I'm sure I've ruffled some feathers; but, I'm sick of hearing our politicians (not those on here) pointing the finger at corporations for moving their operations overseas without divulging the fact that the reason this occurs is that our politicians create an unfriendly environment for people willing to take their shot.