Kuiu Icon Pro vs. Eberlstock?


Had an Icon pro for a while, not great but not terrible. Buddy had an Eberlstock on a pack out last year and got crushed. Bought a Kifaru as soon as we were out of the woods. Total anecdotal answer.

Had an Icon pro for a while, not great but not terrible. Buddy had an Eberlstock on a pack out last year and got crushed. Bought a Kifaru as soon as we were out of the woods. Total anecdotal answer.

Just curious-what specifically made it difficult with the eberlestock? And how and why did the Kifaru make such a drastic difference? I've got no skin in the game either way, just would like to learn your experience.
Between those two, I would choose Kuiu 100 to 1. The new Pro Suspension is a game changer in every aspect as works as well as any other pack in the market.

I’ll echo this, check out the new Pro. I love mine so far, lot more adjustability and comfort than the Icon Pro, and there weren’t many detractors of the last generation of Icon Pro packs.
Definitely Kuiu. Lighter, stronger, versatile. No doubt the Eberlestock is a good pack. Kuiu is just better.

Spend your money on experience before you spend it on fancy gear.
I started with an Eberlestock J34 on my first western hunt. I sold it and bought an Icon Pro when they were first released back in about 2014 and have used it every year since. These pack are not in the same class in my opinion, based on experience with both. The Eberlestock is heavy and it does not carry weight nearly as stable or comfortable as the Icon Pro. In my opinion the Kuiu Icon Pro is a very good pack and it has performed very well for me hauling meat for the past 4 years and many miles / hours training with wt up to 70-75 lbs. That being said, pack fit and having the pack adjusted correctly is a big factor in how the pack will feel to you when loaded up.
If I was going to war, I would choose an Eberlestock. If I was going hunting, I would choose Kuiu. Sooner or later you will have to bite the bullet and spend some money to find out what works for You!
So I have an Eberlestock M5 and I adore it. As a 1-3 day pack. For extended backcountry hunting there's not even a question that the Kuiu is the better pack. For the amount of money I'd strongly encourage you to look at a Kifaru or Stone Glacier though. I see it the same way I look at optics, sometimes it's just worth it to eat ramen for a month and get the best.
Just curious-what specifically made it difficult with the eberlestock? And how and why did the Kifaru make such a drastic difference? I've got no skin in the game either way, just would like to learn your experience.
The EB was killing his hips and not having the ability to pull the weight up off of his hips and onto his shoulders wore down on him throughout the night. Having frame stays such as the Kifaru frames really allows you the ability to move the weight from hip to shoulder/back or balance as needed. The EB was almost all on his hips. Not sure if it was model specific or what not, not super informed about their lineup.