Kuiu guide or Sitka Jetstream vest?


Feb 15, 2013
Looking for a new vest for early season hunting. Anyone with experience owning both of these vests? Or reviews on either from those who have used them??? Thanks...
I had the guide vest back in the day, it wasn't anything special. The jetsream is better in my opinion. Blocks wind very well. And is warmer.
I've been using the Guide vest this year and have liked it. The one thing I don't like though is I wish it was cut a little bit longer. It's not terrible but it could use a couple more inches in my opinion. Unless you're more concerned with saving weight, then I guess having less fabric will save some ounces. I've been wearing it out in 5-20 degree weather with just a couple thin base layers on while hiking and it has been perfect. I'll obviously throw on something more when I stop, but it is great for keeping your core warm without overheating. I haven't used the Jetstream vest but my buddy has the jacket and it is warm. Probably a little warmer than the guide plus the windstopper. I think it might be cut a little longer which I would like, but I'm not sure. My other Sitka vest, the Kelvin lite is longer than the Guide. I'm sure either vest would be great.
I personally have the Jetstream lite, and it is quite warm considering it is lite and thin. It does stop the wind, too. I wore it on an Alaska Cruise this past year, and it even protected a little against a light rain. Only problem is that I had to buy XXL because it seems to run small. I normally wear an XL in everything, but this thing is really snug. If you can try them on before you buy either of them, it would be a good idea.
Had them both , kept my jetstream vest. I really like it as a second layer over core hoody or chama hoody.
Well Kuiu is out of stock on them and camofire had the jetstream today in a solid color which I prefer, so I went ahead and got one. I might get a guide vest later to compare the two. Thanks for the replies!
I have all three...(Jetstream, Jetstream Lite and Guide). My favorite softshell vest and jacket bar none is the Sitka Jetstream. Just the right amount of stretch, comfortable lining, breathable and wind proof. I also prefer the fit on the Sitka Gear. For a lightweight, packable vest, the Jetstream Lite is very nice.
Another vote here for the jetstream. I love the windstopper on my core while still getting some air to my arms while hiking. Really works well paired with just a base layer down to well below freezing.
Had both and am a Kuiu fan but the jetstream vest was a bit better in my opinion. I thought it was a bit warmer.
Neither, get a COSTCO $18 down vest. You won't be sorry! Good fit true to size, zipped pockets, inner pockets, stuff sack and was available in a decent olive brownish color as well as gray.
Neither, get a COSTCO $18 down vest. You won't be sorry! Good fit true to size, zipped pockets, inner pockets, stuff sack and was available in a decent olive brownish color as well as gray.

I don't have a Costco card. If you can find one for me and buy it for me, I'll send PP for it. Also the famous puffy from them too.
Neither, get a COSTCO $18 down vest. You won't be sorry! Good fit true to size, zipped pockets, inner pockets, stuff sack and was available in a decent olive brownish color as well as gray.

I was actually interested in a soft shell vest for this application. Might check out the down vest from Costco too though. So you've had it on the mountain and it performed well?