As the article gelton posted shows, the breath-ability rating can change dramatically from one test to another....FOR ALL FABRICS, and most companies will take the nest #'s tested and stick that on the hang tag. There's nothing wrong with that, but I can say that I've seen the actual #'s on the hang tag cut almost in half during 3rd party testing.
So to answer the original question, the 2013 Kaldo rain jacket did test at 20/15 (like 2012), but it also tested lower then that. The owners of Kryptek decided to post the lowest # tested on the hang tag, as they did not want to pull the wool over anyone's eyes. The large fluctuation in the breath-ability/waterproof rating is nothing new for any rain gear, but you can definitely get some "smoke and mirror" #'s. I'm not saying that Kuiu, Kryptek or FirstLite is doing this, but I am saying that when you test them all in field conditions, it is very hard (actually impossible) to see a difference in some categories.
A good example of this is eVent, and as most know, that is my preferred material for bivy sacks, as I get little to no condensation when using them. Having said that, when I've tested every other bivy sack/material, I get condensation (4 different materials total), but those materials that were tested all rate there shell at a different rating. Hopefully this is making sense, as I'm trying to get a point across that when I tested 5 materials for bivy sacks, 4 of them got the same result, but all 4 of those had VERY different ratings....and one material (eVent) tested much better than the other 4, but eVent actually had the same rating as a couple of the others.
So I do find it hard to believe that there is ONE "do all" rain gear for everyone, as they all have down-falls. This is what I was hoping to get across in my first post when talking about the Chugach and Kaldo.
I used the Chugach for a season and loved it, but it wasn't as durable as the Kaldo (for me anyway), however the Chugach was lighter and had a better breath-ability rating. The CG also compacts down a bit smaller than the Kaldo, but the Kaldo was quieter and allowed me to use it as an outer layer during bow hunting (that let me drop my soft shell).
None of what I posted is telling anyone what to buy, but more of what I found in my personal use....but that's my own needs, and what I found could just as easily point you to Kuiu (lighter weight/packs smaller), as both are great products.
I'm bringing the Kaldo to the Colorado backpacking trip this weekend, so some of the guys going can take a look at it and judge for themselves.
I also think a comparative review between Kuiu, Kryptek, FirstLite and Sitka should be done (by someone other than me) and someone that has no affiliation with any clothing company or Rokslide.
A few guys come to mind, but I'm all ears if someone has a good candidate for testing .
Hopefully this made some sense and helps people spend their money wisely, as none of this stuff is cheap.