Kowa TSN-554 lense cleaning


Oct 29, 2017
north dakota
Does anyone take the eyepiece off this spotter and clean the inner lense? I have bits of debris when looking through the spotter that's not on the front lense or eyepiece. I did email kowa but haven't gotten a reply yet.

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This is a delicate question, pun intended.

Yes, I would take the eye cups off and rinse under gently running luke warm water. Once you’re sure you’ve rinse off any debris, you can rub the lens with your finger and a little dish soap if needed. Final rinse with distilled water. Dry with compressed air (gently). Clean/new microfiber cloth to finish if you feel compelled to chase down little water spots.

I have a 554 and an 884.

I’d be interested to hear what Kowa recommends.
Sounds good, thanks. Im a little hesitant because i haven't been able to find any videos or posts about removing the eyepiece to get to the internals. I figured it would have been sealed off a little better.

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It’s no big deal, just lefty loosey. You’re not getting at the internals; it’s all sealed and waterproof, but removing the eye cup makes it easier to clean the ocular lens.

Sounds good, thanks. Im a little hesitant because i haven't been able to find any videos or posts about removing the eyepiece to get to the internals. I figured it would have been sealed off a little better.

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Apologies, I was obviously not reading your post very carefully. As @gr8fuldoug said, the 554 eyepiece is not removable. I was reading too fast and thought we we're talking about the eye cup.
Apologies, I was obviously not reading your post very carefully. As @gr8fuldoug said, the 554 eyepiece is not removable. I was reading too fast and thought we we're talking about the eye cup.
That's alright, ill take a closer look at the lenses tomorrow and give them a better clean. Still waiting to hear from kowa.

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Kowa recommends I send it in to get looked at. The photo attached sucks but you might be able to see what I'm talking about. Right above the box of the pickup. There's half a dozen black marks like that on the right side and a few on the upper left with 1 being of decent size. I only realize it the farther I'm zoomed out.

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Sent my kowa in to get looked at, im curious to see what they come up with. So far it's been very east and seems hassle free.

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Well i got my spotter back from kowa. They did not charge me for any work. From the looks of the invoice they took the spotter apart, cleaned the lenses, and shipped it back to me. Unfortunately it did not fix the issues. So I will try to get ahold of them again this coming week.

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I am not the original owner. I bought it on rokslide someone from rokslide. I've been a little busy lately, but i may try calling a kowa rep today that gave me his number.
So I actually have the same problem but probably worse than your photo. The dirt or what ever it is in mine actually moves around if I shake the scope and I can make it better and worse by doing that. Following to see how you get it resolved.
Thought I would give an update on this and my experience getting it fixed. I reached out to Kowa through their customer service on their website and explained the problem with some attached pictures showing it. 3 days later I got a response giving me an RMA number and was told to send it in for service. Shipping was on me and cost around $15 using usps priority mail.

10 days later I got an email with a sales order acknowledgment listing what they would be doing to the scope and costs involved. This was not an actual bill yet they just wanted me to sign off that I would pay in the future. I signed off that day for a labor charge of $80.

4 days later I got a call from Kowa telling me that my scope repair work was completed. They added in cost of return shipping, $28 along with the $80 so my bill was $108. They wanted my credit card then over the phone but I was driving so asked them to send me an invoice online that I would pay when I got home. They informed me that they do not accept online payments and the only way was to call later and give them my card info over the phone. Annoying that a large company doesn't accept online payments but ok fine.

Received the scope back 3 days later. The specs are 99% gone so they clearly did something but there is still one right on the edge in the top of the scope that you can only barley see at 15x.

Overall took about 3 weeks start to finish, cost $125 and didn't 100% fix the problem.
@htlt_surfboards my experience was somewhat similar. Unfortunately a few more of my specs are still there, honestly it doesn't look at that different. I just decide to keep it off 15X and i don't notice the specs. I don't believe i got billed for the cleaning/labor though. I did get insurance for my package so it did cost alot more to ship it.