Kodiak mountain Goat 2013

Just a FYI for those of you guys heading to Kodiak and using one of the bush operations. When the feds shut down earlier this month, they ended up contacting (via email) all the operators that take folks to the more remote areas of Kodiak, and told them that if they put people in areas that allow them to access the Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge, the feds would strip them of their refuge permits. The KNWR is like 80% of the island. Of the three bigger fly-out operations on the island I know that right now (and this could change on a daily basis) Andrews and Seahawk will fly people into the salt and I think Karluk lake because it has a navigable river. Island Air will not even do this, as the way Bob Stanford interprets the letter, it states anywhere were people have intent to access the KNWR. Again this could change at any time depending on how the air service interprets the letter and how willing they are to risk loosing their permit. If the feds inforce it like the letter reads and they do pull someones permit, it could potentially be the beginning of the end for that company. I would suggest to anyone heading to Kodiak in the near future, to contact the outfit that will providing them service and make sure that they're going to be able to take you where you want to go.
Just a FYI for those of you guys heading to Kodiak and using one of the bush operations. When the feds shut down earlier this month, they ended up contacting (via email) all the operators that take folks to the more remote areas of Kodiak, and told them that if they put people in areas that allow them to access the Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge, the feds would strip them of their refuge permits. The KNWR is like 80% of the island. Of the three bigger fly-out operations on the island I know that right now (and this could change on a daily basis) Andrews and Seahawk will fly people into the salt and I think Karluk lake because it has a navigable river. Island Air will not even do this, as the way Bob Stanford interprets the letter, it states anywhere were people have intent to access the KNWR. Again this could change at any time depending on how the air service interprets the letter and how willing they are to risk loosing their permit. If the feds inforce it like the letter reads and they do pull someones permit, it could potentially be the beginning of the end for that company. I would suggest to anyone heading to Kodiak in the near future, to contact the outfit that will providing them service and make sure that they're going to be able to take you where you want to go.

Thanks for the heads up Troutbum, I had heard about this but didn't know all the details. This is a complete travesty for hunters and flight services alike, and is going to really mess with a lot of people's plans, especially if this doesn't resolve before the fall bear tags open at the end of the month. We were lucky to get dropped off before the shutdown, but I'm sure it's leaving lots of folks in the lurch. For many more reasons than just this issue, I hope our government can get its act together and stop this shutdown!
Great trip. Thanks for sharing!

Too bad there are lots of others packed to do trips like this in the next few days that are being locked out of accessing the federal lands
Right on Team Moffat, Stid, and Dan. That looked like a busy and active hunt. Those goats are a great game animal. So are the deer for that matter. Now that your warmed up to Goat hunting perhaps I'll get you down here in the Mistys for some variety.
Right on Team Moffat, Stid, and Dan. That looked like a busy and active hunt. Those goats are a great game animal. So are the deer for that matter. Now that your warmed up to Goat hunting perhaps I'll get you down here in the Mistys for some variety.

That down there is REAL goat hunting...not sure if I'm man enough for that...and I can't bring myself to do an early season hunt for them when the coats are so shear. To me the trophy is in the fur not the horns. And late season in SE AK sounds like a whole 'nother level of mountain hunting.
update on the ferry situation: the M/V Tustumena has been out of service for nearly a year and is returning this week. Scheduled sailings will be more frequent from now on. and yes, on calm seas the ride is 10 hrs. rough weather can lengthen that time...
That down there is REAL goat hunting...not sure if I'm man enough for that...and I can't bring myself to do an early season hunt for them when the coats are so shear. To me the trophy is in the fur not the horns. And late season in SE AK sounds like a whole 'nother level of mountain hunting.

I also feel that the hide is an important part of the goat trophy!! I have never killed one earlier than November.

Goats are the most underrated animal that we have in Alaska!!. They are by far the most dangerous to hunt!!

We just moved to the Ketchikan area this summer, down from Wasilla, and all of my goat hunting in the past has been in Yakutat. I am currently researching
for a place to go next month. I know that the fresh water areas are marginal as we get later into the year. We used to have to really be careful dropping folks
off in the lakes around Juneau for late season deer!!

I don't have the vast experience that some do with mountain goat hunting, but I been lucky enough to see over a dozen tip over in the past 5 years. That said only 1 of the 14 I've seen killed was DRT on the first shot. It was the one and only goat I've personally killed, a large billy. It was shot with a 338 WM and 250 NPT at 40 yards (could have been a bow shot). The rest have required more shots than that. In my limited hunting experience goats are tougher than grizzlies I've been involved with and seem to still go and go unless hit in the spine. So with that said I'm all for shooting until they quit moving. One shot kills are cool, but having had to chase a goat or two that went a 30-40 or so yards after shot into places I that sucked to retrieve I will gladly put a few more holes in them than do that again. Maybe I'm gun shy but I'll always advocate for my lead down range after the first hit is taken than not.

Hope that helps. Yes the volley of shots isn't the most pleasing to watch, but at the end of the day the goats didn't get away and all of the 14 I have been involved with have been retrieved so its a kinda go with whatcha ya know works. Sure I'm always happy with a DRT, but I've seen goats go MUCH further than I would have like even with a couple double lungs in them.

So I guess you could say my limited goat hunting "experience" has told its better to keep shooting than not.

So yes it was a bit of a cluster ____ but they'll eat fine just the same. ;)
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Knit-picking someone else's hunt after the fact is not what rokslide, or hunting in general, should be about. If you have a question, maybe a PM is more appropriate. I hope we can keep this site positive.
You have no place being on that mountain hunting.... What a slob. :)

Armchair quarterbacks are even worse in hunting than in football I've come to find out. I wouldn't sweat it.
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400 yd hit is a fine shot. Great hunt, great pics. Awesome that you have good friends to take trips with.