Kodiak island blacktail

Minimal snow thus far with no lasting accumulation at lower elevations. Looking like a good year for over winter survival!!
If you’re hunting mature bucks I’d be more concerned with what the winters were like 4 to 5 years ago. #iykyk
We have a group starting opening day. We're hoping due to everyone's reluctance to hunt early season we will be the only ones hunting. ( A guy can hope can't he?)
Velvet bucks and bugs. Likely mostly going to be alpine deer and near the tops. Yes. You will have less people! lol
Early season has been pretty crowded last few years. Two years ago guys were getting stacked up on each other unfortunately. Be sure to bring bright tents. Helps pilots move on to the next spot.

LOL. That's a really good idea!
Be quiet

If you crap on the mountain bury it please.

And be quiet…while crapping.

Good luck!

This is good advice. I killed my first and best Kodiak buck walking back from my morning hole digging session.

Two rules rules for crapping in the woods. 1) always take your gun, 2) no one else should have to experience the aftermath of your shitting experience
As above, plan on hiking up as the deer will most likely still be in the alpine. Last season I shot a buck out of a group of 6 deer on October 8 at elevation 2370 ft.
I would plan on getting to elevation of 1000 feet to begin getting into deer.

Get some work in on hills. Extra points if you can train with alders and raspberry canes in the rain…🥵
Don't forget about devil's club. I hate that plant.
Certainly not a fan of devils club.
I have a very strong dislike for the raspberry canes!! F’ing things can be inpenetrable, and trying to uphill through them is a misery likely similar to the inner circles of hell. The things we do for fun, and to fill the freezer with tasty blacktail 🤣🤨😢