Helping a buddy dial in his muzzleloader using the NE 385g bullets, Blackhorn 209, and Winchester W209 primers. Curious if anyone has tried this combo (or something similar) and would care to share the load details. We are setting it up for Colorado so no scopes or sabots and hoping to have it dialed in well enough to reach out to 150-200 yards depending on how well he can shoot it at those distances. I'm planning on starting around 70g by volume and working up to 100g checking groups and velocities but wouldn't mind saving some time along with the components if anyone has a proven load we can tinker with.
Also this is the first I have messed with a Knight muzzleloader so if there is any tips or things to avoid I'm all ears. They look bit more complicated than my CVA optima - ha!
Also this is the first I have messed with a Knight muzzleloader so if there is any tips or things to avoid I'm all ears. They look bit more complicated than my CVA optima - ha!