Knight Ultra-Lite - Ace in the Hole (or other pic rail with sight)


Dec 15, 2021
South Carolina
I originally planned to put a Williams Western Precision Peep Sight on my Knight Ultra-Lite, but now I'm thinking that it may be better for me to install a Williams "Ace in the Hole" pic rail with integrated peep sight. This way I can quickly add/remove a scope for states that allow optics.

I can't find any Ace in the Hole models that list the Ultralight as compatible. Has anybody installed one of these successfully? Or is there another similar product that I could install?

Alternatively, is there a "peep" sight that I could mount to a pic rail? And is there a pic rail that would work on the Ultralight?

Thanks for the help!
Not that I could find as of 2 years ago.

You could do a necg on top of a weaver base but I couldn't get it zeroed as high as I wanted.

I think just removing the Williams sight and installing your base and scope is the best bet.
Far as I know there is no option to maintain the peep and a scope.

But there is no reason for you iron sight zero to shift much at all. They only go on one way. But I would shoot it to re verify

There's another pic rail peep that's a turret but I can't seem to find it.
I spoke to williams tech support today and he said the new models will be skeletized and offer fluorescent reticles - also theyre coming out with an ace in the hole type rear site compatible with the western front sight

Both wont be out till august but are available for preorder
Call Williams, I spoke with their sight technician, and he is super knowledgeable. He will have a solution for you if there’s one.

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